• In times of valley , please remember that someone out there is praying for you and wishes you to do well and have a good health. Don't give up! Everything will be alright real soon , what you are facing right now is part of life. It's molding your character time.. it was given to you because you are stronger than that. If you think you're alone, we are here for you.. this is what TWS created for :)

    *virtual hug

  • Redirect your focus. Don't give up! :)
    There's still a lot of awesome things and people awaits for you. You will eventually overcome with this and soon you will just smile why you think that way. Life is too short to shortcut haha :D you just need someone to talk and change your perception about everything in life. Remember how people in terminal illnesses wished or prayed to extend their lives , don't take away the chance you're given to. The chance to live with a reason and a purpose :)

  • @cjko . . .
    For all of this.
    I need to think.

  • @Karina-Kara it's my pleasure to do so.. you can talk to me about everything that drags you

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  • Hey, I'm so proud of you. You're strong. The bravest decision you've made is to keep on living in the moment you really want to die.

    My brother had depression too. It is sad indeed to see the one you're growing up with. We've gone through everything together but resulting in two very different individuals. I never expected it, all of us never expected it would happen. Thanks to god with support from family and friends, he has gotten over his depression.

    I wish you do too :hearts:

  • @999999999


    I m doctor
    And a writer
    Recently started my blog
    Its inspired by my life
    I m a blogger just started writing few days back this is my story

  • The story of my life

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  • @999999999 sometimes, some form of exercise, usually just taking a walk or pacing around the room keeps me preoccupied enough when I'm feeling low.
    I'm probably weird for even suggesting it, but it works for me.