• @Bela-Hella I am more of an introvert than an extrovert..
    Its not like I dont wanna be in a group of people,its just that I dont like going out.
    Everything happens I want to be in my room.Like chatting/reading/playing or anything. I dont like going to parties or clubs or any kind of travelling but I do enjoy companies from other people. Not like other introverts,I do enjoy other's company but I dont like travelling

  • @Bela-Hella imma nobody, with the swave of sheep, the brains of a bat and the skills of a peanut....
    I like to graze my feild, fly in the sky and bathe in salt.
    I seem to have a growing family (i guess the other nuts are working right πŸ€”)
    I work, i dont work
    I try and get told i dont try
    I dont have titties, so i am always wrong (fun fact for all the guys)
    :joy: :/ :zipper_mouth_face:

  • @Lurker As Ive told u earlier you can count on me through good and bad times, it is always better to have few reliable friends "someone" u can lean on :-)

  • @Bishoj I guess you just value the alone-me-time..

  • @Bela-Hella i'm gay , more of an Introvert on my side

  • Global Veteran

    I am an introvert in real life. I don't have many friends. Sometimes i really feel bad about that (as when i encounter wid any cockroach i really think to call someone for help πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, but due lack of contacts i can't) (weird exaMple) and moreover i hate to sit alone in long boring classes and it gets worst when my teacher declare it as a free period . It's like sh!t !! here the formation of group starts. Should i use mobile? Or doing my head down will be perfect ? Or should i stare everyone enjoying their friends company 😐.
    If it is supposed to be a group activity in class!! then Again it's a sh!ty situation for me. Like "hey who wanna do this with me πŸ˜‘?? " I hate these situations.

    But on tws it's totally different.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ I can be the one who i wanna be. I can change myself in front of people (without caring what they will think) , can change the way i talk, can change my character !! No one can judge me , and even if they do so.. it doesn't really matter !
    People are judgemental. Even i am judgemental. So what tws provides me ..is to change my user name and once again try to behave properly like what others wanted ... And it really helped me to get such a large no. Of friends here !! Unfortunately, this isn't possible irl.

    Ofc at this point of time i hate my reality! That i am an introvert! But hope to change it soon to an Ambivert. πŸ™‚

  • Lol i am d only one who wrote in such a big paras πŸ˜‚
    Pardon me !!!

  • Banned

    @Bela-Hella I'm an introvert to strangers 'cause I do not mingle easily with new people but once I get mingled Β  with them Β I become an extrovert..

  • @Anjalidevra honey, i learnt a long time ago that worrying what others think doesnt get you anywhere.
    Of course you need to take others into account, but here in the matrix or out side of it in the land of the living, you ;eed to be you.
    Ive never had large friend groups, i hate the school yard politics of substantial sized groups of people, i do my own thing and if need be i am happy with my own company.
    Everyone (including me) wants to be part of somethng, but dont let that rule your life.
    From the little i know of you here,youll go far, with the right ones at the right time for you.

  • @spaceboy said in Tell me more about you.. YES U!:

    @Bela-Hella Introvert/Extrovert dilemma reminds me the following:
    "Before saying that you're an introvert, think twice. May be you're a depressed extrovert."

    As for me, I am thinking that I am an introvert. Philosophical disputes with myself - is one of my hobbies.:nerd_face:

    You are thinking right v***.. I agree as your friend you are an introvert .. - spacebel :-)

  • @niks-niks said in Tell me more about you.. YES U!:

    @Bela-Hella I'm an introvert to strangers 'cause I do not mingle easily with new people but once I get mingled Β  with them Β I become an extrovert..

    Then congo lil brow your an Ambivert :-)

  • @Anjalidevra congo gurl for knowing thyself that your an Introvert.. Im glad to know that in TWS you can easily gain friendzzz, you can be who you are in here better than irl and Stop worrying about what others are thinking about U, it will lead you no good my www.. Who knows next day you are extrovert or ambivert.. :-)

  • @Bela-Hella
    I'm an introverted person. I enjoy long night walks alone. I prefer solitude. I have mood swings. I love books and when you love books it takes time to get over it after you finished reading. I enjoy playing online games. I listen to sad songs most of the time and there's this one song I always play and will never get tired of it. What else? Hmmmm. I sleep too much which, I know, risks my life of dying too early. I love orange and it's up to you to guess whether it's a fruit or color. I have been single for almost two decades. I write poems which I never share. Hmmmmmmm. I don't cuss in real life except for sheet and fek (I pronounce it that way so not much of vulgarity I guess). I draw and dance and maybe a little bit of singing. I guess this is where I stop. But, oh, wait! I have two real life best friends but we don't see each other that much.
    Lastly, good day!

  • @Azriel hi twin It is nice to know you love reading books, for sure you're a logophile hope I am not wrong...Aha and u really wanna lemme think of orange huh,well both a color and fruit (answer is safe)..You are so talented I wont be surprise if you become a candidate of Guillermo Mendoza Box Office Awardee for the next years to come.. :-)

    P.s. me too I dont like to curse.. mahirap na ang matabil na dila twin nakakabaho ng hininga charot lng haha

  • @Bela-Hella I'm an introverted extrovert. I get along really well with people and I talk a lot so many people see or meet me and think I'm an extrovert, but anytime I'm anywhere I'd rather be at home alone with my dogπŸ˜‚

  • @Zen00 a mix up of two both is always a heavensake persona..😊

  • @Bela-Hella Depends, on who I'm with xD

  • @Kakashi said in Tell me more about you.. YES U!:

    @Bela-Hella Depends, on who I'm with xD

    For sure I know you dont have an attitude problem but your personality differs depending who handles it.. Iz dis wat u mean? :-)
