• @PAFFA Reason?

  • @Kana Now tell me, how is animal intelligence measured?

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kana Now tell me, how is animal intelligence measured?

    Through the ability to think and act outside the set (instinctive) behaviours?

  • @Kana Because that's what humans do right? The tasks given to the animals are often based on human behavior. Not to mension we kind of invented intelligence, it's not some kind of a universal thing that was shown to us so we know how smart we are. I consider them dumb not because i measured their intelligence, but because i can predict what its going to do.

  • @Alte

    Not to mention we kind of invented intelligence

    We didn't. It's something brains are capable of.

    i can predict what its going to do.

    Not always. That's where their intelligence comes in.

  • @Kana I mean we defined what it is. We didn't found a piece of paper saying
    1.the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
    And everyone was like, OMG!
    No not always, just most of the time, so i still see them as food.

  • @Kana said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you?

    Do you? 😶

    I do not. I hate how much our actions are based on emotions, you never really know if what you said or did was not affected by how you feel at that moment. I hate that our brain can only use what we know and not invent something new. I hate being in this universe, well more like knowing that i am, and this thing might as well collapse and we never existed. I hate our flawed cells that are programmed to die. I hate how intelligent we are(compared to animals :P), yet someone can be ruined by greed, power. I hate how people describe human flaws as "That's just being a human", human my a*s, pathetic excuse. I hate how much control such thing as lust has over me, and seeing other men losing even self respect over that hole. I hate that we have to sleep. I hate i cant control my thoughts more or access memory stored deeper in my brain. I hate that i can be hurt by words. Something like that, ya know.

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Kana I mean we defined what it is. We didn't found a piece of paper saying
    1.the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
    And everyone was like, OMG!
    No not always, just most of the time, so i still see them as food.

    😂😂😂 We named it. It always existed.

  • @Kana That's what i meant lol. Do i have to check the definition of define?

  • @Alte

    I hate how much our actions are based on emotions, you never really know if what you said or did was not affected by how you feel at that moment.

    We can train our brains to be better.

    I hate that our brain can only use what we know and not invent something new.

    Creativity exists.

    I hate being in this universe, well more like knowing that i am, and this thing might as well collapse and we never existed.

    We want to last. But that's against nature's rules.

    I hate our flawed cells that are programmed to die. I hate how intelligent we are(compared to animals :P), yet someone can be ruined by greed, power.

    Perfection is against the rules too.

    I hate how people describe human flaws as "That's just being a human", human my a*s, pathetic excuse. I hate how much control such thing as lust has over me, and seeing other men losing even self respect over that hole.

    We can modify our desires by exercising control. But it's difficult ofc. We're humans (flawed creatures) after all :p

    I hate that we have to sleep.

    Me i hate that we have to poop 😩

    I hate i cant control my thoughts more or access memory stored deeper in my brain. I hate that i can be hurt by words. Something like that, ya know.

    Nature is all about change. We are working (evolving) to reach that super being state you talk of. But we have already come a long way. Have to be glad we're not cavemen.

  • @Alte NO

  • @NutellaBigGoat said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Alte NO

    Aren't you a goat?

  • @Kana said in Do you enjoy being a human?:


    I hate how much our actions are based on emotions, you never really know if what you said or did was not affected by how you feel at that moment.

    We can train our brains to be better.

    Yes, but the time is so limited.

    I hate that our brain can only use what we know and not invent something new.

    Creativity exists.

    I kind of expected i should describe what i was thinking more. Like we can put together things that already exist, and that only makes me wonder how much theres is we cant even think of.

    I hate being in this universe, well more like knowing that i am, and this thing might as well collapse and we never existed.

    We want to last. But that's against nature's rules.

    Yea, i guess shes like a mother, and we are the teenagers. I wonder what happens when we grow up (advance far enough).

    I hate our flawed cells that are programmed to die. I hate how intelligent we are(compared to animals :P), yet someone can be ruined by greed, power.

    Perfection is against the rules too.

    I don't think it is, the only thing that is not perfect is nature. Kind of like.. not perfect in a perfect way. And in a perfect way for the universe, not us.

    I hate how people describe human flaws as "That's just being a human", human my a*s, pathetic excuse. I hate how much control such thing as lust has over me, and seeing other men losing even self respect over that hole.

    We can modify our desires by exercising control. But it's difficult ofc. We're humans (flawed creatures) after all :p

    And i've been doing that for a long time, but there is no way of getting it out of your system, and it drives me nuts. Also drives my nuts.. No nvm.

    I hate that we have to sleep.

    Me i hate that we have to poop 😩

    Wait what?.. i thought girls don't poop haha.

    I hate i cant control my thoughts more or access memory stored deeper in my brain. I hate that i can be hurt by words. Something like that, ya know.

    Nature is all about change. We are working (evolving) to reach that super being state you talk of. But we have already come a long way. Have to be glad we're not cavemen.

    Doesn't matter if we were, it sounds terrible only because we have experienced better times.

  • @Alte

    Yes, but the time is so limited.

    Yea but if we really want it we'll get it.

    Like we can put together things that already exist, and that only makes me wonder how much theres is we cant even think of.

    It's still creativity that makes some think what others never would. Eg. Einstein and Hawking...
    But agreed we have our limits.

    Yea, i guess shes like a mother, and we are the teenagers.

    If we are to personify, I think of nature more like an emotionless experimenter.

    I wonder what happens when we grow up (advance far enough).

    Our time will be over soon. Whatever stage of development we are at.

    I don't think it is, the only thing that is not perfect is nature. Kind of like.. not perfect in a perfect way. And in a perfect way for the universe, not us.

    I maintain perfection is against the law. If things were perfect there won't be room for change and it would all come to a standstill maybe.

    And i've been doing that for a long time, but there is no way of getting it out of your system, and it drives me nuts. Also drives my nuts.. No nvm.

    Monks and so many people have done it!😂

    Wait what?.. i thought girls don't poop haha.

    Girls are more human than you may think 😂😂😂

    Doesn't matter if we were, it sounds terrible only because we have experienced better times.


  • @Kana said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    Our time will be over soon. Whatever stage of development we are at.

    And that makes everything even more pointless in my eyes.

    I maintain perfection is against the law. If things were perfect there won't be room for change and it would all come to a standstill maybe.

    And what is wrong with that? Isnt that what we are trying to achieve?

    Monks and so many people have done it!😂

    How do you know? You saw that on TV, someone told you? You talked to them? Humans can lie. We are not aware of everything that happens to us, especially in our minds.

    Girls are more human than you may think 😂😂😂

    Heh, you learn every day.

    Two more things. This quoting is awesome. And you have to follow me back, otherwise i'll grab my grandmas spell book and curse you.

  • @NutellaBigGoat said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Alte NO

    Cant we all just keep the answer simple?
    Why is there a debate on fucking everything?

  • @Rendezvous We can, but some of us just wonder, is there anyone else who feels the same way.

  • @Alte said in Do you enjoy being a human?:

    @Rendezvous We can, but some of us just wonder, is there anyone else who feels the same way.

    Lol you just want a debate, dont you?

  • @Rendezvous Haha, seems so right? But no, i truly hate discussing things for like too long, and @Kana took all my energy i was saving for the weekend lol.