• @sunshinef
    I want Bela to be a mod because
    alt text

  • @sunshinef oooh YAS YAS YASSSS, she has my support all the way :smile: #VOTING4BELA

  • TWS, Goodmorning World..Maganda Umaga (fil),god morgon (swed)
    Personally, I Already did my part messaging that I LIKE and LOVE to be a Mod,and its not just a WANT my reason is I Am READY..

    I am ready means it is my personal decision first before others. I am ready means to handle fair judgement for bashers,supporters and Tws people..I am ready to the highs and lows of TWS ..I am ready means I am aware of my decision making,and its impact..I am ready to take challenge,to take responsibility and willing to learn from others..

    I know respectful mods and Sir admin will still have deliberation first before taking their stand and make final decision..

    Bela is Bela what u see,is what u get whether it be in TWS or in real..I have my self proclaim I Am Ready and words can bring me down..

    Mod or not a mod it wont change me I am still Bela and I believe I am an assest..

  • -deleted-

  • @bela so everything is ready, except the cookies :neutral_face:

  • Gamers


  • @evan-elderson Thank u so much nate.šŸ‘

  • @pugopilis said in CAMPAIGNING BELA FOR MODERATOR:


    ^ my life story lmao šŸ˜‚

  • @therisingsun Yes I am Ready..anyway your cookies are served everyday pet,just be a great tws user and i am fine..

  • @im-a-bae All hail to the queen,hej to u..thanks for voting up and believing..i love that yass yass it makes me even dedicated


    @im-a-bae All hail to the queen,hej to u..thanks for voting up and believing..i love that yass yass it makes me even dedicated

    Queen?? Oof šŸ˜‚ I saw a lot of people call me that and I still don't know how I feel about it but you do deserve it šŸ’Æ% so it's a YASS YASS YASS YASSSS for me

  • @kat_15 hej to u kat..we dont know each other well but lets make this Tws site as lively and happy site aim for one goal..thanks for voting..

  • @bela Nppp

  • Global Moderator

    Hi abby, sorry for the late reply its early morning for me when @SunshineF raise this topic. Thanks for being on for me as a Mod and I agree with you to see is to believe,yep we dont know each other personally but our goals are same to make this TWS a healthy site,promotes camaraderie and respect others. I am not taking offense dont worry as I said I Am ready to be question and I dont consider it judgement but a challenge..I am also aware to be hated,discrimanated and ready for criticism..I am aware of Tws highs and lows and its impact that will serve and test me,we cant please everybody but I am thankful for the people who are supporting me,the fair mods ,and basher (s)if there is/are this makes me more even stronger and dedicated to be a Mod..I rest assure I Will NOT BE BIAS for I Know myself better,if I Will be a Mod I will be fair in taking action whether your a friend or not..Being a mod is Bela a person who is capable of dignity and upholding credibility,and I will abide vision/mission of tws..I believe I Am an asset ,I already apply as Mod before this so called campaign,i take decision before this..I Love to be a mod and as I Am reading their replies majority are voting for YES,a single negative word can't bring Bela down and even if it takes a lot of people to hate me I Wont back out cos I Am ready..I still believe in my capacity and advocacy and love TWS..
    About G.A and me on my part its not explosive if u review my words many people had upvoted it,i just responsd on what I Am standing for..
    Thanks abby for trying to make an attention in details..
    You have read my willingness,you have heard people yes or yass, I am receiving positive vibes..prior to this, out of tws community I have render help for those tws people who ask help from me,yes i am friend to some people in/out tws and even to some mods as well but this is Still TWS my main objectives are to promote camaraderie and cater the best for everyone as a tws family,and render service for the welfare of all..
    Have a good day abby

  • -deleted-

  • @bela I love how you do not take offense to any of my words I really do respect how strong of a woman you are the only issue I can see out of all the good traits you have is that your very high on your ego(itā€™s not bad) the last question I have is can you learn from your mistakes rather then denying you were wrong(not saying youā€™ve done that at all Iā€™m aure your just as amazing here as everywhereā€™s else) but I find with dealing with some people here itā€™s better not to be high on ego so that they also feel equal to you rather then beneath you. I love your enthusiasm and your feelings about being a mod I really do and as of now I see how you point out a negative comment and say you can take it and I appreciate you giving me an example but I believe you are strong and can handle yourself well I respect how you handled this whole situation and I hope you are as well as how you word your responses! Good luck!šŸ˜

  • @vampire_queen hej abby I am very very strong and affirmative..I get along well with others as you all see..I take my ego as high for those who is/are not capable to see my point..G.A Himself knows i approched him on Dm many times and i dunno why he keep raising it again and again well his the king of drama,and dramas keep this site alive ..As a person I am not perfect,everyone takes a lesson in our everyday lives..Being a mod is benefecial for me for the benefits of many as not for myself..

  • @sunshinef 2 requirements for being a mod

    1. Being underage
    2. Having no life.

    Does she qualify?

    She is a great person to be a mod.

  • @rendezvous Thanks rend..I Know you will say I Am great..lol..You know me very well my standards are high but my intentions are simply pure..Sorry I have to copy your signature what I am saying and what are people reading is nothing but a pure gold..

  • @sunshinef alright..i love to see bela as a mod!
