• @sara-f pm me

  • @wtfjudith said

    @layla don't you dare spoil us Layla birch

    @wtfjudith I know a few good places to bury the body.

  • @wtfjudith What are you gonna do, hit me with pineapples?

  • @stranger_danger OMG 😲 Would you really go that far?

  • @layla said

    @wtfjudith What are you gonna do, hit me with pineapples?

    @layla Lmao ,dat was really funny. :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

  • @stranger_danger I'm extremely allergic to pineapples. It's deadly

  • @layla I will move heaven & Earth for Infinity
    (hehe "infinity" ..get it ? ...pun for the movie)

    ........Ohh ,I'm really sorry then.
    Allergies are no joke.
    I have mine ,as well.

  • @layla said in NUDES FOR FACE REVEAL (@Im-Bored gonna show himself!!!):

    @stranger_danger I'm extremely allergic to pineapples. It's deadly

    Hey kayla, take this:

  • @layla said

    @stranger_danger OMG 😲 Would you really go that far?

    You are no longer my babyy
    ..you got a new one at the Thrift store.

    So,no mercy!!!
    alt text

  • @stranger_danger That was the most horrible pun I've seen in my entire life. And, haha it's fine, I'm always joking around about my allergies. :)

  • @stranger_danger No πŸ˜ͺ I want only you πŸ’‹

  • @wtfjudith Thanks Kudith ☺ I love when my friends want to kill me. Don't worry, soon I'll figure out what you hate the most and use it against you with no limits ;)

  • @layla said in NUDES FOR FACE REVEAL (@Im-Bored gonna show himself!!!):

    @wtfjudith Thanks Kudith ☺ I love when my friends want to kill me. Don't worry, soon I'll figure out what you hate the most and use it against you with no limits ;)

    Good luck with that, i have no weaknesses for you to exploit birch

  • My face is worth more than your nudes.

  • @wtfjudith said

    Good luck with that, i have no weaknesses for you to exploit birch

    @wtfjudith even Tickling ?

    alt text

  • @stranger_danger .......yes
    But how is she gonna tickle me all the way from New York to Montreal eh?

  • @stranger_danger Oh my, that is literally extreme torture for me. I am the most ticklish person ever

  • @wtfjudith I'll hop on a plane and be there in 6 hours. Don't tempt me

  • @wtfjudith I'll buy her the ticket then.

  • @layla said in NUDES FOR FACE REVEAL (@Im-Bored gonna show himself!!!):

    @wtfjudith I'll hop on a plane and be there in 6 hours. Don't tempt me

    Wouldn't driving here take about that much time? Why you gotta pollute the earth, take the bus instead
