• @the-dude Valencia vs FCB

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  • @evan-elderson You did a great job! Keep trying :D

  • I love the films, but I love the books more. The books had more detail and they don't feel rushed. My favorite film is Goblet of Fire and my favorite character is Luna (Hagrid in the books).

  • @cheesecake-lesb #Gryffindor

  • @cheesecake-lesb I love all parts..

    It is definitely hard to choose just one.But my favorite character is Harry Potter himself and though I like Dumbledore,Hagrid,Ron and Hermione.

    Books are indeed best and better than the movies.
    All know about the positives of the books so i will tell about the movies.

    1. Movies allow you to see the character by face which also connects you to the liveliness of the character.
    2. The background music adds on to something new.
    3. Graphics and effects sometimes allows you to imagine more while reading books .

    On the other hand, Books will help you with in-depth knowledge of the characters, locations, magical world, the past, the present, the future of the characters, different times

  • Also, I love the world of Harry Potter because of Hogwarts. Hogwarts is so key to the story and it feels like the true home of Harry. The magic is cool, the wand lore is interesting, and the creatures are vast and whimsical.

  • As a Kid ,the world of Harry Potter engrossed me

    The costume,atmosphere, buildings were amazing.
    Magic had never been this fun.
    The society & characters appeared archetypal at first but there was a vast layer of complexity shimmering down the surface.

    It was A journey beyond Imagination.
    Everything else was glossed over in the journey & adventure that were to be had throughout their world.
    Hogwarts felt like a home away from home.

  • As an adult the world of Harry Potter is terrifying.

    Amortonia,love potions -are unregulated ,their version of Date-rape drug.

    Imperius - instant Mind control ,remember not all people have Harry's level of resistance.

    Assassinations have never been easier.
    Just a timed spell effect & buildings can collapse.

    Economy can be shot to hell if only someone knows what muggles know.
    Remember in science class we were told that the ocean holds the greatest reservoir of gold in the world.Albeit highly diluted.
    Want gold ? ...just go to the ocean & charm nets to hold them & then drop them in narrow speedy creeks where water flows
    ..apparate & do this to as many places as you want.& over the months your money will shoot up.
    You can even flood the market ,& the pure gold you release is much more valuable than Gringotts Goblin gold.

    Fascism is rampant.`
    Political power is in the hands of few.
    Discrimation of muggles like 18'th century blacks was rampant ...a lesser sense of apartheid was present.

    Even a simple school level spell like Confundus (confusing the mind) can be used to a devastating effect in a clever persons hand.

    Let alone things like bloodoaths & binding rituals.

    Also take the 1st year cheering charm ..at a very low level effect from my wand or even turning it into a wearable potion as perfume ..I can charm you.
    A discreet wave of my wand up my sleeve is all that will be needed,remember its a first year simple charm so almost anyone can cast it non-verbally, without moving.

    Over the months each time I approach you ,your mind will feel happy ,good ...tensions will melt away at my approach.
    Your mind will condition itself to think of me as good for you.
    You will willingly submit yourself to me.

    Best thing is ..this is a biological response .There is no mind control ,no potion addling the brain.

    A simple 1st year spell ,can bind you to someone who's just a sleazy scumbag...& you will never know why .
    To you he will be the one who makes you happy.

    I am happy that the HP was created ,it made for many enjoyable memories for me.
    But that's where it belongs ,in my mind.
    Else it will be a very dark world indeed.

  • @catwoman It's fantastic beasts

  • @stranger_danger No way you just typed that all up in 1 minute.

  • @layla No,i was thinking about it for sometime.
    & putting my thoughts on its bad sides.
    Even lights cast shadows ...& what darkness does a fun,light hearted magic show cast.

  • @stranger_danger No, but your first reply was 7 minutes ago and the long one was 6 minutes ago... which means you typed it up and posted it all in one minute

  • @layla Yeah ,i typed both the good & bad side & decided to post it separately.

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  • @evan-elderson

    Thanks, I knew I can always count on to be there for me.
    i was crying in sadness with a box of ice cream as consolation ...you cheered me up.
    Have a hug . :hugging_face: :hugging_face:
    alt text

    It's all well & good to see the fun,bright side ..but there exists a counter side too.

    For example for a society to be as much safe as possible ,it is often necessary to police it too ...keep vigilant watch over its citizens.
    Some may call it infringin on Liberty...but others will call it pre-requisite for safety.

    ..I find it intersting to see a problem from different angles.
    For writing,its necessary to not be blinded to one side..diffrent perspective's make it shine & give it personality.

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  • @catwoman


