If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists)

  • @thestrangest if someone doesn't reply within 20 minutes when they're online, it's generally because they don't care or they're busy. You should learn to take a hint, Philosophy doesn't interest me, it's gay.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @thestrangest if someone doesn't reply within 20 minutes when they're online, it's generally because they don't care or they're busy. You should learn to take a hint, Philosophy doesn't interest me, it's gay.

    By definition if you don't like philosophy, you don't like wisdom which means you're just an ignoramus but who.cares. To each's own

  • @thestrangest i didn't say i don't like it i said it doesn't interest me. And not liking philosophy doesn't make you ignorant, that's like saying if you don't like geography you're dumb and can't read a map.

  • @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @thestrangest i didn't say i don't like it i said it doesn't interest me. And not liking philosophy doesn't make you ignorant, that's like saying if you don't like geography you're dumb and can't read a map.

    Well i understood that you disliked it but k. You know we strayed waaaayyyyyyyy too off topic

  • @thestrangest we always do, it's just how me and you work. We just HAVE to do this everytime. it's how you communicate with me and how i communicate with you, that's how i would attempt to explain it. Just get used to it is what i'm trying to say.

  • @sumof1 good point

  • @mcurie according to most Christians, God has always existed.

  • @luluelizabeth said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @mcurie according to most Christians, God has always existed.

    Are you a Christian? And if so why can't the universe have always been in existence if god can?

  • @thestrangest she was joking

  • I know I'm about to incur the wrath of thestrangest, lol, but I don't care.
    I've searched for the smallest particals that we are aware of and I keep finding "quark". As far as I know and have read, there isn't an easy answer as to what a quark is or made of. It is super tiny, fits in protons and neutrons, which make the atom, etc etc. Atoms are found in every bit of matter. From active to inactive materials, every single thing in the universe is made up of atoms, all the way down to quarks.
    I brought all this up because science has shown that our universe started with an explosion, "the Big Bang", a massive collection of energy (innumerable amounts of these quarks) and blew outward to expand the universe. So those quarks always existed even before being collected into the titanic ball of energy. Where is those quarks come from? They always existed. Theists gather from scripture that God is eternal. Always was, always will be. Like those quarks, always was, always will be. Scripture says humans are made in the image of God. Quarks bonded together, thanks to Gluons, to form protons/neutrons, so on so forth; just as they must have before in order to exist. Humans are created through conception, same as most every "living" thing. Animals, plants, and chemical compounds (like H²O. Gasses coming together to make water). In the King James Version of The Holy Bible, New Testament, Christ said in John 5: 18-19:
    "18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
    19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."
    Jesus claims to do what God, His father, has done. Jesus claims to be God's son. Jesus was living a life on Earth, in a body of flesh and blood. God, at one point in all of eternity, lived as a man in a body of flesh and blood. God was created by His own Celestial parents, and so on. (This is were I'm guessing I'll be questioned on my sanity) To answer the main question simply... Just as matter has always existed and been formed from other matter, so is the same with God, created and formed by another God. Like parents creating children and raising them to go on and do the same. An eternal cycle.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    I know I'm about to incur the wrath of thestrangest, lol, but I don't care.
    I've searched for the smallest particals that we are aware of and I keep finding "quark".

    Yeah that is probably the smallest thing, 1 of the 5 quarks

    As far as I know and have read, there isn't an easy answer as to what a quark is or made of.

    We know what quarks do and approximately how much they weigh so we know what they are but as far as i know "what are they made of" question doesn't need to be asked, everything is energy

    It is super tiny, fits in protons and neutrons, which make the atom, etc etc. Atoms are found in every bit of matter. From active to inactive materials, every single thing in the universe is made up of atoms, all the way down to quarks.

    No, quarks form atoms, atoms do not form quarks.

    I brought all this up because science has shown that our universe started with an explosion, "the Big Bang", a massive collection of energy (innumerable amounts of these quarks) and blew outward to expand the universe. So those quarks always existed even before being collected into the titanic ball of energy. Where is those quarks come from? They always existed.

    We don't know, man, but they could have always existed or in better words, spacetime didn't exist before the big bang therefore there was nothing before it so in other words quarks existed since the beginning of time (and space) but there could aswell be a multiverse(which is the most likely possibility IF there was even something before the Big Bang)

    Theists gather from scripture that God is eternal. Always was, always will be. Like those quarks, always was, always will be.

    Sure but no scientists asserts that, it is merely a possibility i.g.

    Scripture says humans are made in the image of God.

    Logic says God is made(made up) in the image of man

    Quarks bonded together, thanks to Gluons, to form protons/neutrons, so on so forth; just as they must have before in order to exist.

    "Just as they must have before in order to exist" weirdly stated statement but if all you're saying is that quarks formed everything through time then true

    Humans are created through conception, same as most every "living" thing. Animals, plants, and chemical compounds (like H²O. Gasses coming together to make water).


    In the King James Version of The Holy Bible, New Testament, Christ said in John 5: 18-19:
    "18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.
    19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise."
    Jesus claims to do what God, His father, has done. Jesus claims to be God's son. Jesus was living a life on Earth, in a body of flesh and blood. God, at one point in all of eternity, lived as a man in a body of flesh and blood.

    You do understand that the bible is not a historical textbook r8? As far as we know we jesus might have not even existed since there is no historical proof for his existence, I'm not saying he didn't exist, I'm just saying the bible has as much historical merit as the Harry Potter books

    God was created by His own Celestial parents, and so on.

    And somehow his celestial parents are also himself, k christian theology

    (This is were I'm guessing I'll be questioned on my sanity) To answer the main question simply... Just as matter has always existed and been formed from other matter, so is the same with God, created and formed by another God. Like parents creating children and raising them to go on and do the same. An eternal cycle.

    Yeah... as far as we know none of this ever happened m8, no proof, no good reason to believe it. Contrary to Jesus we know and have evidence for the existence of quaeks and the happening of the Big Bang and even if we know for sure he existed that doesn't mean that his claims of being the son of a god were true.I don't get your point

  • @thestrangest Hahaha. Thank you for giving my post your thorough go-over.
    I didn't say the Bible was a historical textbook, I said it was scripture. The second definition of scripture is "the sacred writings of a religion" and that is the context that I was using. Not historical, but theological.
    Eggs... Well, are we talking fertilized or...
    I may have mis-written about atoms to quarks, I meant that quarks made atoms, I just used a digressive pattern rather than progressive. My bad.
    I mean my argument to be taken as possible just as much as the theory of the Big Bang. So my point is a possibility. I'm working on being clearer. 😊

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jacob55 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @thestrangest Hahaha. Thank you for giving my post your thorough go-over.
    I didn't say the Bible was a historical textbook, I said it was scripture. The second definition of scripture is "the sacred writings of a religion" and that is the context that I was using. Not historical, but theological

    Sure, except what is and isn't sacred is arbitrary, i personally am on the side of "nothing is sacred"

    Eggs... Well, are we talking fertilized or...

    You said all life is conceived

    if i am not wrong(i definitely might be) when an animal comes from an egg it isn't conceived but even if it is and i just forgot what conception meant the first multicellular cells definitely were not conceived

    I may have mis-written about atoms to quarks, I meant that quarks made atoms, I just used a digressive pattern rather than progressive. My bad

    No problem

    I mean my argument to be taken as possible just as much as the theory of the Big Bang.

    How about... hell no? We know and have proof for the big bang, we even record and know the amount if radiation left in the universe from the big bang, there is 0 evidence for the existence of jesus, god or really anything in the bible, it even has stuff that are JUST WRONG(couldn't have happened) like Adam and Eve, the world being created in 6 days, witchcraft(1 samuel 15:23) and all the "miracles"

    So my point is a possibility. I'm working on being clearer. 😊

    Yeah please continue working on that. I still don't think i fully understood your points

    P.S. sorry for the late reply, i wasn't home

  • If you are asking in a literal sense it would be his mom, who's identity is unknown. Don't try to ask about who his mother is.
    But if you are talking about how God was created in order to create the world that we live in today, the most realistic answer would be the first microorganism that had first appeared on earth. Due to that one organism, it would cause a chain reaction that results in the evolution of many animals, insects, plants, etc.
    However, if you believe that God, as a super human, created everything on earth, then I have no answer for that.

  • @mcurie God's parents. When a sperm meets an egg, it forms a zygote.

  • GSP Patrol | The Proofreaders

    When you say ‘who created God’ after someone tells you that God created the universe, then that means you assume their first statement to be true therefore you now believe in God. So if you ask that question then you already believe in God, God exists, case closed.

  • @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    When you say ‘who created God’ after someone tells you that God created the universe, then that means you assume their first statement to be true therefore you now believe in God. So if you ask that question then you already believe in God, God exists, case closed.

    This is a perfect case of @SUmof1 trolling

    Scenario 1 (theists be like)

    P1 (person1)- I have a 1000 kg seal in my living room

    P2 (person2)- I don't believe you

    P1 (person1)- Well why don't you prove it isn't there?

    Now replace the word "seal" with "god"

    This isn't what you did, what you did is even dumber IF you were serious

    Scenario 2

    P2 (person2)- Well how did the seal get into the room? It can't fit through the door or the window

    P1 (person1)- why should i prove to you that it exists, in order for you to ask how it got there you must have to already believe that it exists because you OFCOURSE couldn't have assumed a premise you don't believe in to ask a rhetorical question and drive a point in, you definitely believe in the all mighty seal so there is no need for me to say more

    P2 (person2) -


  • @thestrangest the universe is a little bit bigger than a room

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sumof1 said in If god created the universe, then who created god? (question for theists):

    @thestrangest the universe is a little bit bigger than a room

