@Pepsigurl ur welcome <3
Punish a Muslim day - Do you support Punish A Muslim Day being held by Extremists/Racist Non Muslims in UK?
This letter is spreading anonymously in UK
I strongly oppose this. This is height of cruel and hatredness.
For God sake, Muslims r not terrorists, we Muslims are affected by terrorists same like as non Muslims are.
Islam is a religion of peace and it condemns killing innocent people. According to islam, its a sin to kill innocent people . A murder of any one person in Islam is considered as killing of the whole humanity.
we love peace and we hate terrorists. Stop hating Muslims.
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#love #hate #less #peace
@sarah I think there's nothing wrong with being Muslim. I hold it to the same regard I do all religions, and that it's your opinion, and as long as you don't hurt anyone, I have no problem with you.
Let's do love a Muslim day! 😇
@sarah let's do a love your neighbor day. I'll hug you either way.
@sarah you'll enjoy this, it's old but remember there's love out there in the most unexpected places.
@sarah That’s really crazy. You can’t go against humanity like that. Sometimes, some people can be a little crazy, but that doesn’t mean that you have to go against a certain religion and nuke Mecca for 2500 points?!!!
It's so wrong but c'mon, 2500 points? Someone has to be the 1st.
Hmmmmmmm. Reminds me of Kristallnacht. I wonder what will come off this.
I love Islam
Im a white male American so y'all probably gonna say I'm a racist and shit but I honestly think this is despicable. I expected something like that to come from ww2 when Nazis oppressed the Jews...... Oh where will this world come to?😓😓
damn guys, without muslim, you dont know what algebra is..
Oh my goodness, how unrealistic can this controversial advertisement get? Nuking Mecca? Seriously? It is nothing but propaganda and hate done by a particular set of what we refer to as animals, that is, people without brains. I do not at any cost support this damnable piece of sheepishly sown together piece of desanctified paper. I hold Muslims unaccountable for the various attacks, as a majority of these attacks have been Muslims themselves. We all, of all faiths, suffer because of people who circulate such papers. As a Londoner, I despise this with all heart.
This post is deleted! -
@Celiaaaa My thought's exactly the same. Why stereotype a man with a beard, a cap and an accent with being a terrorist, as crazily adjudging him to be a Muslim?
@sarah not a religious person but live and let live, jjust like any culture from anywhere theres always i minority that spoilt it for majority