Sometimes I write to songs. This is "Since the day I met you." Written to The Killers - The man

  • Freedom Writers

    I've been able to plant,
    my feet on the ground.
    You've given me sight,
    my present is profound.
    The future is right,
    I know what to do.
    After talking to you,
    I always feel so great.

    There's not a thing,
    a single thing at all,
    that could tear us apart.
    I love your council,
    your point of view.
    Your opinion is valid,
    only truths.
    It's been my lighthouse,
    guiding me through,
    the rocks of life,
    helps me navigate,
    through these rains of pain,
    rivers of sad,
    that have caused,
    whole oceans of fear.
    I'm now up and that is,
    because of you.
    You've been so bright,
    a lustrous point of my life.
    There's now a pep in my step,
    my heart in now complete,
    this all happened the day I met you.

    You've still got a hold on me,
    of positivity,
    when I'm starting to feel upset,
    I know I'll have you.
    The first time we stumbled,
    upon the other,
    I couldn't imagine,
    the value of you,
    and how I'd be better,
    in all ways.
    You've broken the fog.
    My life's changed since we met.
    I've got a new point of view.
    I finally have meaning.
    Everything's changed so much the day I met you.
    I live for those awkward,
    moments I create.
    I've changed so much I forget how to hate.

    Here we are,
    going through,
    all our ticks,
    all our thoughts,
    all our dreams,
    all desires,
    all ideas.

    We can tell,
    each other,
    that we need,
    there's no shame,
    there's no blame,
    just support.
    We are flawed.
    That's OK.

    We'll make it out alright.
    We'll be alright.
    There's nothing I can't do since the day I met you.
    I want to invest in you,
    make you feel, the,
    same way you can make me,
    feel great in all ways.

    If you have something,
    you'd like to change,
    just tell me anything,
    I'll fully support you.
    You'll always,
    have someone,
    to lean on,
    don't worry,
    I am not,
    going to go,
    A promise,
    I swear that I,
    I will keep,
    no matter what,
    I'll be here,
    as long as you,
    want me too.
    I am so good,
    because there's you.
