• @sammy yeah everything... Like I said as long as you are not obsessed with .. Even cig or alcohol

  • Our bodies can adapt to poison even, so the solution to tasty but toxic can be solved with the power of adaptation, so long as you don't stress out your body with too high doses, as for the calories well 10 mins of morning jogging can make wonders. Of course this all depends, I for example ate only pizza and fries the last week and I'm feeling perfectly fine, have not gained a single gram either while someone else may die from that "diet", I say not to worry about what you eat, life is full of worries, worrying about food is the last thing you should think about. All you need to do is keep track of the calories and you're fine to go, the moment you eat something that does you bad your body will react to it so you'll know before it kills you

  • Gamers

    @elayne woah, who is this person and where did she come from :p

  • @elayne
    Gotcha buddy ๐Ÿ™Œ
    Gonna keep track of calories from now.

  • @sammy Yeap!! And I'm speaking from experience alone! I was begining to have real problems with weight then one day I decided to keep track of the calories. "How much do I need to loose 2 kgs a month? 500 less? ok gonna try that" so my calorie income lowered to around 1500 a day plus a basic 30 minutes workout (running basically, that's the best way to burn calories imo) a day and surprisingly lost not 2 kgs a month but 3,5, almost double. You can't really adapt to not get fat sadly so you gotta watch them calories! lol. One of my tips would be to drink water, drink lots of water after you're done eating, this will help from wanting to have small bites later

  • @jynextremist My origins are long forgotten by this period of time in the space

  • @elayne
    Thanks again buddy
    I weigh 75 rn! Gotta go to 65
    I usually have regular light home food and junk sometimes... Like 1 burger a week!!
    And ofcourse lots of water

  • @sammy To that i would say, "MORE SUGARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!".

  • @kora
    To get diabetesssssssssss?

  • mostly this is true for me

  • Generally speaking, this isn't true for me, but I suppose it depends on what you eat (hence I don't like to eat certain 'healthy foods').

    When I was a child, this was like, 98% true for me.

  • @sammy Eat half gourd first then eat half cake :)
    There you go, this is my opposing random theory that leaves your mouth with sweetness and pretty balanced health as well :ok_hand: