• @Lïa sure didi i'll ask u :) .. i really love the way how naturally u expressed ut thoughts and u tell us the reality about that its not like fairytale or something and both side need to understand eachother .. it really amazing that u shared ur experience .. i love to learn from others experience so thank u :)

  • Ikr my past relationships were a wake up call for me from the fairytale i was living in when i was a teen 💀

    Like you i also love to know about the experiences of people, it gives us better understanding of situations and we get to know a different perspective,which feels magical.
    But again experiencing it yourself is way more magical and fun 💀😏

  • @Lïa oh okie :) ... my teen life is over ig but i haven't found anyone yet .. let's see well there is no hurry from my side.. cuz when we feel needy we made wrong choices :) ..

  • No words. It is different for all.

  • @Rahul_B yeah it is ig different ppl have different approach and different pov :)

  • @Ruth damn ruth why are you already so mature at this age 😭😭
    I am so so glad for you 🥺
    You are so right when you feel desperate for things you make wrong choices, i am so proud of you 🥺
    Damn you are already a big girl now 😭😭
    Lots of love and wishes for you 😭 ❤️❤️

  • Live Chat Moderator

    @Lïa if i talk like 12 yr old it doesn't mean idk anything .. dont forgot i'm already 18 lol 😂

  • @Ruth dayum 😂
    You don't talk like a 12 yr dw
    Why do you think like that 🤭
    I said that cause i was a dumb pig when i was 18 😭
    So i am glad new generation isn't like that
    As a senior old lady i am happy for yu guys 😂😭

  • i could write an essay on the topic XD, but i'll try sparing you the boring stuff..
    i personally describe it like flying, you feel wheightless, kind of an overwhelming happiness! Also, love can come in many forms, like stated above, its not monotone. You can feel all kinds of true love, for your family, friends, platonic love and yes, the so called romantic love 🖤and all forms are equally amazing.

    It is true that maintaing love is hard work and not a bed of roses as @Lïa said, but at the same time i also believe that it should be natural and most of the times it is, since you cant really force something that's between two different people (or you definitely shouldnt, as you also should not give up on it if your heart doesnt want to).

    On one hand, and i think that this particularly apllies to you, it requires a level of vulnerability that can be hard for most of us, especially in the first stages of love or when we are not sure about what the other is thinking. On the other hand, love usually fails when there is unbalance in the relationship.. the feeling of love can be intoxicating and you should always try to maintain perspective of yourself and what you want or are aiming for in life, in a broader sense. There is not one love in life, but there should always be love in your heart.

    You can only truly love others when you love yourself, and that is a tough lesson to learn.

    As everything has a soundtrack in my head XD, i'll leave you with a song i heard a while ago, but came to me when i first read your post.
    I'm done ranting XD. Hope it makes sense.

    «Love is not something you try to do, it wants to be the thing compelling you..to be you.»

  • @WaterBearerMJ aww u explained it beautifully 🥰... i love the song too❣️...i can't describe in word but u taught me something important ❤️... thanks a lot💕

  • Love is the entire point of everything ❤