• @diosa-mae-sarillosa science will eventually understand the universe. You shouldn't use science as proof since a big majority of scientific scholars are atheist and saying that the bible is proof of god is lile saying the humpty dumpty books are proof of humpty dumpty's existence. There is no reason to think humpty dumpty exists and the same goes for god

  • @alwaysstranger Its my opinion.... Ha-vent you notice that the Bible is yielding to science in a way...When will the scientist explain the universe? can you answer that question? i dont think so.... Does your so called science brought you to Pluto????

  • @alwaysstranger no offense your haughty

  • @diosa-mae-sarillosa said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger no offense your haughty


    Sorry but i don't get offended easily from people who can't spell

  • @alwaysstranger your really arrogant....

  • @diosa-mae-sarillosa come down to earth....

  • @diosa-mae-sarillosa fyi i did not misspell

  • @diosa-mae-sarillosa said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger Its my opinion.... Ha-vent you notice that the Bible is yielding to science in a way...When will the scientist explain the universe? can you answer that question? i dont think so.... Does your so called science brought you to Pluto????

    Huh. The Bible is anti-scientific dumby. Since when was creationism scientific, there's a reason 80%+ of biologists and 93% in the USA are atheist even though the vast majority of the general public is Christian, IT'S THE BIG BANG AND EVOLUTION. Once you realise and understand the big bang it's clear that the Bible's "the earth is younger than 10k years old and the world was created in 6 days" is bullshit and when you do the same with evolution you'll realise that Adam and Eve never existed.

  • @diosa-mae-sarillosa said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger your really arrogant....


    And it's 'you're' not 'your'

  • This post is deleted!

  • i never see God. so, i dont know. but i'm still looking for God. i heard that God creates us based on His image (really?). so every time i meet people, i will always like "is this God?". so far, i have no clue. so, i still dont know if God is real. hahaha.

  • we humans have the habit of condensing stuffs and boxing it up, so that its easy and within our limit to grasp it and understand it,..so we condensed a big entity into a 3 letter word called God and we gave it attributes and criterias so its easy for us to understand it..

    but the truth is u can never understand it,ur mind is not equipped to understand the creator what he does what are his attributes his creations and the like.
    so thats my thoughts on GOD and yes i believe in God's existence. but i dont like to box him and label him with qualifications and criterias...i like to believe that there is someone who takes care of me and will help me in my times of needs and has better knowledge and better understanding of me more than myself.

  • @khaleezi91 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    we humans have the habit of condensing stuffs and boxing it up, so that its easy and within our limit to grasp it and understand it,..so we condensed a big entity into a 3 letter word called God and we gave it attributes and criterias so its easy for us to understand it..

    but the truth is u can never understand it,ur mind is not equipped to understand the creator what he does what are his attributes his creations and the like.

    Why believe it if you can't see evidence of it

    so thats my thoughts on GOD and yes i believe in God's existence.

    Until you prove his existence there is no good reason to take your word for it. Just sayin. I know I'm annoying

    but i dont like to box him and label him with qualifications and criterias...i like to believe that there is someone who takes care of me and will help me in my times of needs and has better knowledge and better understanding of me more than myself.

    So you believe that he cares about you but not 2500 kids who starve to death EVERYDAY. Ok. Think as you wish

  • @alwaysstranger i feel sorry for you...and thats all i feel for u...and heyyy u r back..good to see you again..now if u will excuse me...im going to get busy ignoring ur comments...:) have a good day

  • @khaleezi91 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger i feel sorry for you...and thats all i feel for u...and heyyy u r back..good to see you again..now if u will excuse me...im going to get busy ignoring ur comments...:) have a good day

    I don't need to know how you feel. Keep your confused heart confused in private

  • @khaleezi91 and by the way i used 'heart' as an expression. The heart does no feeling or thinking it just pumps blood. All emotions, thought, commands to move the body ... is in your brain which is the reason when you die and your brain stomps functioning there are no thoughts, motion, emotions or anything after just like it was before you were born. "I feel bad for you" Your best comeback is an assertion that there's something wrong with me, what pathetic reasoning skills. Religious ignoramus

  • @topics27 I most definitely believe He is; I have felt His presence and seen what He can do. I strongly encourage you to compare facts an history to the Bible and see what you find out.

  • @alwaysstranger i still feel pity for you and ur reasoning skills and ignorance..u pitiful pitiful creature...such a shame...

  • @khaleezi91 said in Is god real? Your thoughts:

    @alwaysstranger i still feel pity for you and ur reasoning skills and ignorance..u pitiful pitiful creature...such a shame...

    Again, your best response to my logically sound argument is (ad-homonims) to assert that i am "pitiful creature" or "you have bad reasoning skills and are ignorent" and not addressing any of my points/arguments. I love how you just keep proving my points, you are a standard rude religious ignoramus. Anyways i really want to stay away from this site so don't respond to me.

  • The word of unexpected good experience and bad experience is attributed to "Good Luck" and "Bad Luck" by the people who do not believe in God. The people who believe in God/the supreme attribute a bad experience and good experience to "Karma". There are many phenomenon that cannot be explained by science yet. We all need something to believe in. The people who believe in God also believe in words like faith, believe, good karma. Also, the meaning of God should not be bounded by any religion.
