• I fell into the V-tuber rabbit hole, I couldn't stop watching V-tuber compilations, thankfully I got out of it before it could affect me, I'm never going back there again, I'm safe up here. The problem is that I'm not even a full weeb, I'm like a quarter of a weeb, thus making me fear V-tubing and how it kept getting recommended to me the moment I watched 1, then 2, then 3, and so on. I couldn't understand a thing and I was just like, why am I strangely entertained by funny rabbit girl or funny shark girl. I think I qualify for a therapy at this moment. It's not like I'm hating on V-tubing though, it's really hard work, and that's pretty cool on their part. Now it's time to bash on K-pop, I don't like it, but again, it's hard work and the environment behind it is pretty ehh from me, and that's the same with V-tubing. But if you like K-pop you haven't seen anything like BTR, who is like 100000x better than any K-pop artist to ever exist on this plane of existence. OH OH OHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • tldr; sorry am buzzed might read laters <3‎


  • @ĞÖÖŠÍÄĤ What’s BTR? Gg said its some kind of tank?

  • I always find what u say strange 😂 I didnt understand anything but donno why seing ur pfp and name plus what u wrote is funny 😂

  • @DapostropheDvd BTR is Big Time Rush, aka the greatest boy band of all time, and also the greatest show on television to ever bless human eyes.