• to my beloved one. thanks for your existence though I am really appreciate it a lot.. I dont know how to express and describe my love to you, but I just want you to know that I love you so much! No matter what happen to both of us, I will never less loving you.. You made me being a better me, everyday. because of you, I feel less depressed and love myself more. I hope we staying like this till forever, I cant even imagine how my life will be without you ;) You saved my life. I owe you a lot. I hope someday I can repay you for what you have done to me, I dont know how to describe that I'm really thankful to you . My love.. take care.. I'm always be with you..♥‍️ Muhammad Firdaus bin Hishammudin I confessed here because I feel damn shy to even confess to you.. I know you will never read this.. but this is my truest feelings towards you.. having you in my life is such a blessing.. I need you by my side, always. I wanna be your future wife and only one.. Eventhough you made a lot of mistakes, I'm still loving you as before. More than before. I love you, stay safe ❤

  • @_useless00 awww 😄😯

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