• @mikeJB oh white boy r u fucking serious , I do not give a fuck about Indians they deserve what they did it 🤣🤣🤣 , u insulted land, food , culture, white boy!! I told you I live in ocean and I do not have a nationality skin or Race , where we land that's our home
    Aryan concept of treating women, class Division , forget I never seen or heard son being pimp to mother's only brother to sister happens out of India , and same like you white boy orgies is gang rape, you are one deffect piece!! I learnt a lot thank you white boy !!
    Your perception and assumption are fact and truth for you and you make it truth for Everyone around you, u know to just sit behind in that huge topdog boss chair watch screen and wank white boy .. cut copy paste knowledge, by the guidance of Google goddess

  • @knownsense my god. watching an indian get mad on the damn internet has to be the funniest shit ever! thank you for that free entertainment. im still laffing!

  • @mikeJB 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ok sir anything else to say that's all you know to say ?? just Google some more article white boy , I told you I belong to this universe and bong there I would do it for red Indian too white boy who your folks killed them , genocide them mass raped them u foolish fellow tell me Ru german run away from Germany and took shelter in the name of humanity ??

  • What our ancient folks thought you people

  • Humanity !!

  • This is the message for all people including Indian do not disrespect the land culture food, about behaviour pattern of people I have no comment to talk , dread my post earlier what I have written

  • @mikeJB Mike wanna be jiga boo with cut and paste copy knowledge

  • @mikeJB , problem is you never had family all you know to put hands in pants , Dude I grew up with women around me some did had chance what to do ?? I know what to talk and where you white boy !!:

  • I really have a doubt you are phedo, and now I shall dig you more about you know every lock has a key , nothing is secure dearie , I have my source here so I shall not speak what I do mikeJB LOVELY TO MEET YOU 🤣😊🙏

  • @knownsense please change your name to NONSENSE, for it is what you speak

  • @mikeJB indeed some sense isn't it ?? My non sense getting in you veins. fo you fact true based on cut copy paste knowledge of yours so yeah I will thank you ,I admit and know I speak non sense up to you how you make sense of it dumb white boy !!

  • @knownsense going to ignore you now because you are simply boring at this point

  • @mikeJB exactly same thing I want to write but I will contact you not in this site ok take care ,

  • @knownsense you will contact me "not on this site"? how then? i have news for you. if you try and come to me in person , you better be armed

  • I understand u met some stupid boys, its okay i can understand but why categorising as Indian boys.
    Nothing to do with being Indian thats just bunch of boys being stupid fcking boys. Whom we have met across alot that's why I understand. Im a girl too That's why i can understand what shit boys might have said to u but giess what even lot of boys have said shittier stuff and they were from all over the world. Mostly states and Australia and Pakistan but i never thought like as if all the boyz from are like this or categorized them its just they are stupid boys can belong to any country, caste,or color. Its about the upbringing and values and not being about Indian
    Infact it's due to westernization of our civilized culture. 🙏🙏🇮🇳

  • @mikeJB so guys if this clown on the internet wants to make the trip and come to my home, since i do own a firearm and know how to use it, he prob wont be back online after that visit. just sayin. he should just ignore me, and go stalk someone else. someone mention that to him

  • @emilyyyyy
    Americans dont even bother writing they just send dickpics to u right

  • @love-n-bailey-classes yes but in her case she asks for them and enjoys them

  • @mikeJB
    I m not saying that she asks for it, the point is it can be any other stupid guy belonging to any nationality no need to categorize.
    We Indians are far ahead in many things from the rest of the world and if people don't know they can jist google the facts.

  • @love-n-bailey-classes so you are better than everyone else eh?