Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @genuine-username said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    if you are implying that order is meant for us
    then you are a complete retard
    allah is ordering the angels to slice the necks of disbelievers in HELL
    you completely took that out of context

    It pretty clearly doesn't demand that from angels. And even if it does that doesn't make it better or worse. No body choses to believe/not believe in unicorns. If there is no proof for unicorns then people who believe things naturally won't believe and the same goes for god and you can't blame them for that

  • @muslim recording to islam facts and hadith talking about happens through muhammed's life, yeah it's a religion of terrorism and crime to satisfy allah.

  • @muslim so hereโ€™s how it works, people have been calling Islam a religion of terror but although there are a few dark things in the quaran, it is only interpreted in bad ways by terrorist, like I bet some of you know a Muslim and I bet you guys donโ€™t think that that friend is going to murder you the next day, itโ€™s all about who interprets the book

  • @ayesha-khan countries which following muslim is not in peace.You know more to me

  • @genuine-username said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    no actually not they are theories
    and islam also mentioned the big bang soooo.....

    BULL..... SHIT

  • @roccol said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @muslim so hereโ€™s how it works, people have been calling Islam a religion of terror but although there are a few dark things in the quaran, it is only interpreted in bad ways by terrorist, like I bet some of you know a Muslim and I bet you guys donโ€™t think that that friend is going to murder you the next day, itโ€™s all about who interprets the book

    But even the most neutral person has to admit that a literal reading of the quran supports, sexism, homophobia, oppression, murder, slavery...

  • @muslim The word Islam itself means "Peace" in Arabic. So it'll be pretty contraditing if this religion preaches anything other than peace don't you think?

  • @tazzyyy said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @muslim The word Islam itself means "Peace" in Arabic. So it'll be pretty contraditing if this religion preaches anything other than peace don't you think?

    No it means Submission. The word for peace is very similar but not the same and no islam is definitally a violent religion

  • @thestrangest Who told you it means submission? Because whoever did obviously does not know what they're talking about. I speak arabic, and Islam is derived from the word Salaam which means Peace. What's your proof that Islam is violent?

  • @tazzyyy said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest Who told you it means submission? Because whoever did obviously does not know what they're talking about. I speak arabic, and Islam is derived from the word Salaam which means Peace.

    No one told me shit. I am syrian and an ex-muslim. Salaam means peace but Islam does not necissarely come from Salaam, you could say that it does but originally it comes from Islam with an accent on the i which means Submission... to allah for example.

    What's your proof that Islam is violent?

    I am too tired for this just read my previous posts. If you see a guy named 'guest' who is against islam, that is me but i deleted my previous account. Infact 30% of the replies here are from me so you can just go to the first page and enjoy. It is almost 2 AM here and i need to sleep

  • Cant clearly say,because al muslims are not bad or corrupt minded

  • @phenom831 neither were all nazis. To understand nazism read Mein Kampf and to understand Islam reaf the Quran

  • no!!!
    it's wrong.
    i'm moslem

  • Islam's a religion of peace __

  • Don't curse please

  • nope, a religion of peace

  • This post is deleted!

  • Islam and Christianity both had their share of dark times, a belief system isn't the sole factor of terrorism, sociopolitical and economic factors weigh in heavily as well. Consider the holy wars (crusades) that Europe waged against Muslim countries from 1100-1200 AD, in this case Christianity was used to justify military action. Whatever the era, there's always conflict, and the reason usually runs deeper than simply "Islam" or "Christianity".

  • ******a question can have many answers. eg..// my answer can be different from your answer or anyone answering this subject (?). ISLAM is not a religion of terrorism but i've notice from this terrorist they have use ISLAM as a way to get there support from; cos they do practice ISLAM.

    number 2 - No body i say again No body is qualified to take someones life in this earth, its only GOD who is qualified to do it. why!! not even anyone that have or has live from the day this world was created have ever create a Human life. only the person who create can take it back this life![alt text](image url)******
