Do you think it's OK for a man to have two wives?

  • @lucifer_ nah its tough for me being 4th husb, i could kill all 3 of jelly.

  • Music Lovers

    It's based on situation caz if wife don't have problem with that then hubby can marry with more women's if she had problem in that then it's can't permitted..!

  • @one this is the answer that i was waiting for. But islamically it is permitted to have 4 wives

  • @one It's wrong in the first place. Why is a man allowed to have multiple women? If it was the other way around we'd be like no fuck that i'm not sharing my wife. It's just wrong, like so many things nowadays.

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok yeah bruh thanks you right but wife's permission needed in islam also..

  • @jamjam as long as she is okay with it then whats the prob with that

  • @one yeah they to, and if they resist its a sin.

  • @ragnar-lothbrok It'll never work out. It's impossible to share love equally, how many friendships die down because of a guy/girl? It won't take too long before one of them feels underappreciated and gets jealous and then the shitstorm begins.

  • Music Lovers

    @jamjam you state your own view about you but you forgot we are living in men forwarded society today but it doesn't mean women's don't have rights I mentioned in comment that in islam 4 marriages allowed but with a permission of first wife did you notice that... that means things happns with a permission of women then how could you say its particiality

  • @one women have rights, so why can't women have just one husband? Why should they have to share? It's not like we would share a women with other guys. They'll never be loved equally, it's sad they would agree to this or are forced to. Polygamy should've never been a thing in the first place.

  • Music Lovers

    @jamjam please read question again he's asked what you think is it ok.. right if this thing is ok for wife then how they gat problems in their marriage life..!

  • @jamjam but i think some of girls its okay for them this polygamy thing. Islamically 1 man is equal to 2 womans, which means a man can handle 2 womans. I believe there are other womens who love poligamy. And on prophetic era prophets on islam practiced polygamy

  • @one it's never completely okay, they'll never have the same amount of attention, same amount of love. It won't take too long for one to finally let out all her frustrations of about having to share the man she loves and not getting as much attention and love

  • @ragnar-lothbrok That's just wrong tho, why is a woman worth half a man? We'd be jack shit without women

  • @jamjam yah i agree with u we will. But what am trying to say here as to put equality on the world as long as world population now is like 1male:3 female. If we could put it like 1male : 1female then many womans will be single. Trust me.

  • Music Lovers

    @jamjam it means you know everything you know they are frastrated by that you know they are unhappy with that caz I really don't know what their opinions are about that... jam man how is it possible you are stating like you know all what's going on in their minds..!😊

  • @ragnar-lothbrok there are statistically more boys than girls, it'd be the other way around actually

  • @one I've been friends with a lot of girls who had relation problems, eventually you see patterns emerging and they are the same for almost every girl.

  • @jamjam i dnt take that dude!! This discusion should have woman comments so that we might know the truth how they think of polygamy

  • Music Lovers

    @jamjam damn their is a difference between the marriage relationships an before marriage relationships jam.. before marriage relationships are immature and after marriage they both are matured thats why then can do this with mutual understanding..!