• @rosestar Thank you. A lonely path is a path that does take its toll on a person. But hey, I'm still breathing, the planet is still a beautiful place to live. It's just a pity there are many living on it that seeks nothing but power, greed, and so on. I stand for the development of humanity, positive energy, truth, and anything that restricts that. Thank you for chatting. Now I feel I should go cook my yum yums. Omelette.

  • @practicaladam you are very welcome ! You are new here? Welcome to TWS! You are always welcome to message me or anyone else here :) We hope you will feel happy and have a good time here! Go and cook your yum yum Omelette :) Enjoy and have a great day ! If you have any questions or anything don't hesitate to ask

  • @rosestar yes, new here, new start, new me. WHOOHOO. New skills, knowledge, wisdom. It is awesome. A door closes, and another will open. We have the keys to all doors, it's knowing which key will fit. Take me as I am, or not at all. That's the way I see it. I'll help anyone out if I can. Walk the lady home, fix a garden fence, be a shoulder for those that struggle. Love to you all.

  • @practicaladam <3 sending love on your way! Take care! Hope you enjoy it here
