Friends are something that an average person needs. Humans are just made that way. But I think it's not correct to think that friends can fix everything, as well as that friends will stay in your life forever. Throughout life you will meet dozens of people and make many friends. But only one or two out of hundreds will be something you may call a "real friend". That's if you are lucky enough to meed someone with similar mindset and values that you have. People you call 'friends' will walk out of your life for different reasons (they may be insignificant or important) and will stay with you for different amounts of time. That's why I think that it's better if you put yourself/your life/feelings first most of the times when it comes to your friends. You can stay in a really good relationship with them even if you don't always put them first or give all of yourself into these relationships. Because each one of us have their own lifes to take care of. Those people who will want to stay with you and will understand you/love you - will stay. And those who don't - won't. Whatever you do for them. It depends on the mindset of the other party. Loving, helping, caring for your friends is great, but if you put them above other important things like yourself, then they will get used to it. And most people won't do the same for you or will try to use your love for their own emotional self-satisfaction. That's just how it is. So I think you just need to do everything in moderation and state values right in life.