@SoftwareEngineer You knowingly and deliberately put someone else in harm's way and chose that recklessly and the net result is it might cause others died. If we could trace the infection line, how would you feel?
Best posts made by walaoeh
RE: Who else breaks lockdown?
@Cold-Sun :grinning: See? There's always a way out. Why cant they just enjoy the journey?
@Lazz Heyy, recognize the spotlight effect. It wasn’t about anyone at all. I know you well, yes!
I’m sorry, I should choosing a different line of thought:disappointed: And you shouldn’t take this so hard, dear friend... -
RE: Across The River
@Scottish yeah..simply surrender to the divine
@sup Unconditional? Not a chance! Only if he takes care of me similarly otherwise I prefer to move on and find someone compatible to me.
RE: Beaches or Rivers?
@Baby_Kina Something about beach is just so serene and perfect. But you should try to out on the river fly fishing really early in the morning. The fresh crisp cool air permeates all around you, the birds chirping.. Trust me, the sounds of birds and the calm flow of small streams will makes your heart go snooze in joy
RE: Deep question tho💀
@ShayThatBae I can't answer. No experience, and don't want to try it. I don't have the heart to hurt myself :)
That's normal if you get hurt, we all are physically weak, we're only human. But why did you do that? Angry? Well, I guess only Hulk can give best advice. -
RE: COVID-19 and Pollution Trends
COVID has teached us some lessons about empathy rather than insularity and independence. I’m worried about climate change. This post left me with more questions than answers. Which one deserves more investment to save the rest? Economy, environment, or human life?
@sup That's very patriotic. You must torture each mosquito that has ever drank your blood. They are in a state of war against us. As for them, slap away! It's a crime against humanity to protect mosquitoes. Join the act. Kill these troops.
@Not_yours You can try to do your part to make it a more positive environment. Show the proper way to behave, mutual respect, stay playful and keep a cool head. Looking forward to your useful topics :)
RE: Archaeologist here, ASK ME ANYTHING
@Heyyy21 It's a dirty job. Digging around, muddy, dusty, filthy 😂jk
I respect your profession, without you the history feels more like speculative fiction.
As you mentioned Greece and Turkey, I want you to tell me about Hagia Sophia from archaeological perspective. I admire this ancient building.. Let's take it as a building, not a church or mosque or museum...you know what I mean ✌ -
RE: This 90 Year Old Math Problem Shows Why We Need Quantum Computers
I'll do my best to channel my inner Justin Trudeau :) Yes, it’s already a reality, I don’t know what app’s been using in my office but the data ran using quantum computing tech. Every day we test an actual transport problem, finding optimal rate solutions, transportation route combinations, containers types, trailer and cargo loads, to find the shortest and safest sea routes to all around the world. With quantum computing we can do much more advanced calculations also predict math calculations. It can solve much faster than a classical comp. Let’s say we plan to ship cargo using 10 merchant vessels over five possible routes. This means we have lots of possibilities to choose from, right? Now let’s assume a situation where we want to simulate shipments using 50 merchant vessels over the same five routes. The possibilities in this case are way loootsss more... maybe quintillion! We also add additional factors such as typhoon or weather, and the possibilities becomes even more daunting. Classical computer can’t handle it.
RE: A keen eye for... grammar?
@ohLookIamBack It's not that big of a deal as long as the point is clear. In formal writing, yes, it's a good idea to check your grammar. Formal grammar has its place, but social media is not it. The most important thing is clarity. Does the reader understand what the writer is saying? It is seen as intimate, hip and playful which is an asset in social media. At times, it will be easier to use just an emoji to represent an idea or concept rather than explain the concept in full details. Some, including me, may make errors because we are still learning or have a limited gasp of the English language, but before you look down on us for errors take into account that we have the initiative and tenacity to learn a foreign language and that alone takes a lot of courage and commitment.
Let's discuss it in my languages. As I was born and raised in Central Java, I speak both Indonesian and Javanese since childhood. You choose. I will correct your grammar. -
RE: Most important Thing of life ?
@_sam__ That's my technical answer. Air food water is needed for survival. Sleep clothing shelter -follow. I think it has to be the most important area to focus on because it makes all the other areas of life easier to conquer.
The philosophical answer varies from one person to another. For me, it'd be family. Everything else is a very long way further down the list. Whatever it is, make sure you have fun in the process and discover what your true mission is, and try to avoid hurting others -
RE: Archaeologist here, ASK ME ANYTHING
@Heyyy21 Thanks for your clarity of thought and information.
I think that was their political decision, desperate measures… -
RE: A keen eye for... grammar?
@ohLookIamBack Very good. I have looked over many sites, and neither of them were able to point out all the grammatical mistakes. The best way to go is to get native English speaking teachers. But, of course, that's a paid job. This would be very interesting to me if you accept @Janet 's challenge. It's a great way to get a notion of the different style of writing and determine how to use phrases appropriately. Let me learn it by enjoying your battle.
RE: What are the five most important things on your bucket list?
@Ash We would be glad to welcome you !!
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Max256 ....fuggedaboutit 😂
Praising others is always nice :)