Using the public transport if you haven't showered is punishable by death.
Best posts made by walaoeh
RE: Another Godamm question
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Scottish Nice. I like the throwing a dart part :D ...then sail wherever it lands at the world map. No prey no pay 😂
RE: Why you should send me nudes
@D1Vine Stay true to those values and take pride in the fact that you know yourself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Scottish We're ruining the history. Blackbeard will look for us 😂
RE: I was told to post ugly, so here is me
@Rose_Bud make me think of a giant teddy cute, soft and cuddly :grin: :bear: :hugging_face:
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Scottish Arr, matey.. that's a good idea !!
@Mr-Funny A baseball bat? Ouch! Did you do something seriously wrong? Do you feel physically abused? If you don't feel loved in any way, I can obtain custody of you. I love kids and babies :grin:
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Scottish I think I need my swords to boost my self confidence 😂 tho we have photon torpedoes up here :)
RE: Tips on dating an introvert?
@lil_shouboutai About the introverts, they like to take a relationship at their own pace and meet or talk when they feel comfortable. They won't come forward or initiate anything, so if you want to do something with them, go ahead and ask. Just because they haven't told you about something yet doesn't mean they weren't going to, or didn't want to.
That's so me !! :joy: -
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@Scottish Ye really are a miracle worker, Scotty! Grab their space booty and force them to walk the plank 🤔hmm...wait, or throw them at asteroids. Dead men tell no tales 😈
RE: Tips on dating an introvert?
@lil_shouboutai Constant texting is a major bummer for introverts. Although they like to feel safe and valued, they only want you to text them when you have something to say, not just "how are you?"
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
@RexGreeley I hope so :blush: One should always be open for friendship. It’s the time that will decide if the friendship turns out to be great or not
RE: Tips on dating an introvert?
@Ash There you have it, my thoughts on my introverted life!
RE: I'm always be single. 💕
@Katherine-k It means the best is yet to come. In the meantime, enjoy your Me-Time ...know what you want to do, what are you good at and what makes you truly happy⚘
RE: Ask me about indians or india ??????????
@KaViNdU 😂Your equation just spoiled the beauty of saree
RE: Need some useful life advice ✌🤨
Your parents are your greatest assets. Respect and cherish them.
RE: If you are in anxiety since 10 years and you are a teen....
@sup You'll be a great dad !!