I think this, the narrowness of views in which they confine themselves is not so much linked to freedom, perhaps in part, but rather to the FREE choice of living in ignorance of their not wanting to change, of not wanting to break down walls of ignorance and look beyond. Today we are more or less slaves to something .. Our conscience is the property of those who control televisions, advertisements, mass media who, slowly and consciously, try to unify all ideals, all minds for the sole purpose. to sell and earn. It is an inner slavery rather than an outer one ...
Remember it exists. You can experience it by wandering through the alleys of the cities: you see many empty minds, who reason, speak, in the same way. You observe them: they are chained, dependent on technology, on fashion, on the millions of services that society offers them.
There is no freedom in ourselves when we decide not to use reason. Freedom is like a chimera

Posts made by Shardana
RE: What u think??
RE: What do you think about me?
But how do you ask for such things? Ask others to judge and flatter you .. will you be satisfied with the answers? And above all yours will be distorted, because they are based on what others think of you .. Does this seem important to you?
Who really knows you if not you? -
I know who I would meet till now, because I am having interesting conversations, with interesting people .. but I have recently been here, and I have no prejudices, so I would not avoid anyone :)
RE: What five letter word has six left when you take away two?
@Rg4rox mmmh. may i know why
beacuse in sixty u have six on your left if u take away ty (to you or 2) ;) -
RE: Pursuit of happiness.. let's discuss, shall we?
If you imagine people as a container, with a liquid inside .. let's call it happiness .. but this container is broken at the bottom .. here is that continuously, the desire, but also the need, to fill this void lead us to always desire more .. it's not just material, money, power, but also emotional .. you want so much love, you can't get enough .. it's a kind of loop or a black hole .. -
RE: Can you tell what img you get from this clouds
it seems that the white cloud is a person with closed eyes kissing the black cloud .. I see this :)) -
RE: If you were to define yourself in one word what would it be?
because I like to learn :) -
RE: What is your favorite food? Why do you like it so much?
Bread.. i love bread and carrots and red apples
but not together.. ahah -
RE: Are you scared of dying, and what are your reasons why?
@MadMax_Sensei said in Are you scared of dying, and what are your reasons why?:
Ok like view it in different direction like if i were to be immortal would any of my moments I spend matter ofcourse not cause nothing matters infront of infinity with the same analogy the death will give my life meaning like maybe I will not be able to sense them but my loved ones would . Like I stated two side of same coin so I have to live a good life so my death is defined by the life I loved and vice versa . Hope you got the point i want to convey
Yes .. of course, thanks .. I understood your reasoning :).. but .. reflect on this, when parents sacrifice themselves for their children, with a life worthy of praise and instead they die alone .. that's the side of the coin .. let's choose how to live , but not how to die
RE: Recently came out of emotional and abusive relationship and feel lost at where to start my life again ?
Brava! You answered your questions yourself when you decided to end this relationship .. it is at that moment that you decided to leave again .. with your courage, you have your life in hand, you are a tree that has returned to bloom .. you know what you like, you know what you want .. live now and lots of luck and joy :)
RE: Are you scared of dying, and what are your reasons why?
@MadMax_Sensei said in Are you scared of dying, and what are your reasons why?:
Like for me death is on the same coin as life as one without other has no meaning , so looking at your question you could say I more of respect death than fearing it , like fear will be out of respect for it . My death will define what my life has been including all regrets , memories , pain and suming everything up . So that's my take on your ques.
What a nice thought .. but may I ask you .. are you really convinced that your death will define what your life has been?
RE: virtual random strangers or real life friends? whom do u feel like opening up to more?and why?
Very often it is so .. but if we prefer strangers it is because we don't want to be judged, and we don't consider friends worthy of trust (therefore they are mere acquaintances). Friends, they can judge you, but you always know that they are there, ready to criticize you but also to support you .. this is what friends do, they laugh with you and at you .. I would never change this bond with a stranger, who perhaps does not judge, but still leaves you with a sense of emptiness. Friends don't use confidences against us .. they are allies rather than enemies .. I always prefer friends
RE: Any one answer me
it is not always true .. Let's say that those who love least in a relationship are often the strongest ... those who love often receive less love .. but this applies to both men and women. It is a strange alchemy
RE: Anime relationship vs Real life relationship
Expectetions are forecasts created on the basis of our past experiences, used to guide us in the future. Expectations, however, are unidirectional (they arise in ourselves towards others). The problem is that in reality, every situation or relationship has at least 2 poles. Therefore, having expectations towards the other often also means being judgmental towards him/her, if the other does not meet our expectations. Which, of course, almost always happens, because human beings can't be satisfied. For this reason, expectations are also limiting, you risk not knowing the partner for what he/she really is. We risk losing someone really interesting just because we make sure that this rings the bell, when instead he/she has chosen to knock on the door ..
RE: Why do loyal people often get hurt in a relationship ?
@Kiersen Interesting .. but
Loyalty cannot be imposed, it is an act of freedom in which a person chooses who or what to offer commitment, respect and interest to. Those who are loyal make a courageous choice, that of following their own moral principles and if you follow them, you cannot balance them, you cannot choose to be too much or not honest .. I don't think it can be quantified. If it were possible to balance it, we would risk falling into hypocyrisy .. and hypocrisy is contrary to loyalty.
Finally, being yourself is the only option I know .. because otherwise, with filters and masks you risk being a simple character, an extra ... more mask than person ... maybe you won't make many friends, but you will have those right. :)