felt this for a few weeks to a month now; the longer I stayed online, the more I preferred to be offline, but this isn't all it's about.
The few who are my friends here know about my problems with my dad, his mental health and how he is affecting my family. I just watched my strong mother burst into tears about how helpless she feels, and it broke something inside me.
I'm nearing my final semester in college. The things I swore I'd finish in my first semester lay unfinished to this day. Watching my mother wait for my dad to somehow learn how to love his family again magically connected in my mind to how I'm magically waiting for my life to straighten itself out. You guys have been a great source of laughter and encouragement, but you are too great. The hours I have spent online talking to you guys have become distractions from building a better life for myself.
I've watched the Breonna Taylor case, horrified how insignificant people portrayed her life to be, and my mind plagues me with the same question: what if that is me next? What if I die? What will people say about me? What have I accomplished in my life?
I've spent the longest time asking myself questions like that, and I have finally reached the crux of asking those questions. I'm going out into the world and making a name for myself.
Thank you guys for being my friends for so long. I wish you all the best in your careers, your lives, and your futures!

Best posts made by NiaRox
This is Goodbye Guys......
About My PMs...
I’ve opened my private message to the public, meaning anybody can text me whenever, but I want to lay down the GROUND RULES:
If you’re only talking to me because you want my Insta, Discord, Snapchat, or whatever, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. I don’t hand that stuff on the first meeting!
This one is a little selfish, but if you can’t text in proper English YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. I don’t have it in me to handle a choppy conversation.
I WILL NOT ALWAYS RESPOND. I am going through some shit right now and there’s a limit to a certain conversation. I know this is selfish, but I’ll respond when I feel I’m ready to. In the meantime, I encourage you to find other people to talk to
RE: white people can’t experience racism <3
I think this new opinions based on victimhood is racist against the white community. The basis is that the more minority you represent (say a black, gay, transsexual) deserves their opinions to be taken for more consideration than a straight white male. This is a blatant racism against the white community if I ever saw it.
RE: Rip me apart for this, but i think i got an attention disorder.
@mikeJB @emilyyyyy ooh he’s totally a tsundere. “I-it’s not like I like you or anything! I’m just being hounded by your posts and I respond the minute they’re dropped. Baka!”
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Once many years ago, Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts after enduring a terrible voyage that lasted months and killing many of their friends and family. Even when they landed their troubles were far from over. They stared at miles of unfamiliar land inhabited by unfamiliar people, the winter months rolling into the horizon, and barely any food to sustain them. They had little choice but to build shelter from the cold, harvest what little they cold, and tend after their weak. More than half of the original settlers died in those first few months. It was only by the kindness of neighbors and some unknown hidden strength did the foundations of America endure.
Flash forward four centuries. We have endured and continue to endure global pandemic, the likes of which we have never seen in modern history. We’ve seen political machinations and webs that draw sustenance on pitting American against American, and now we stare at the future with less certainty than ever before.
If there’s anything to learn from Thanksgiving, it’s this: learn to love one another, depend on each other. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans believed in different Gods, different political agendas, even different environmental goals. It didn’t stop the Native Americans to reach out to the strangers with a love that is too foreign in our eyes. Show true thankfulness to your neighbors by helping them in their time of need. Happy Thanksgiving
RE: A question about relations...
It hurts when the guy you’re attracted to won’t even consider you because of your skin, but there’s nothing to be done about that.
People are always gonna have preferences, but you should avoid people that prejudiced like the plague. There’s a vast difference between “I prefer black women” to “I don’t date white women.” One’s a preference, the other is prejudice or even racist -
As if 2020 couldn’t get any worse
My favorite Black actor....taken from us.
Words have no weight to the hole that has been left behind in your passing.
RIP Chadwick Boseman. May your presence here on this planet helped shape the world into a better place. -
Might as well talk about Trump
So do you guys have a reason why you are or aren’t voting for Trump 2020? Please don’t start a war in the comments. If we can’t even talk without starting a fight, we’re only proving how America is so divided. A person’s entitled opinions doesn't inherently make them inferior or superior here since everyone’s entitled to their opinion.
I’ll go first; I’m not voting for Trump because he can not control his mouth or tweets. His constant remarks and shots at people is a little immature and not needed as a representative of an entire nation
I don’t know how much more I can take
My dad’s birthday came and went. My mom found out he spent it with another woman and filed for divorce.
My dad told me how his unfulfilling sex life had made him suicidal, then proceeded to try and convince me that a polygamous marriage was somehow godly and necessary for his marriage. I told my dad that if he tried to pursue this, he would lose me as a daughter. He didn’t seem to care that much.I just feel so hollow, like a bag of meat walking around.
Heeheee Guess What I’m Doing By Myself Tonight....
I love my humor
RE: Mandatory Mask Mandate??
Lol I can’t reply when you keep leaving the chat room Lazz!
But masks are meant to help; we should use them since clearly people can’t stay away from each other -
What type of content do you guys expect?
I don’t really get that much views on my content, but what do you guys typically expect when you see a NIAROX post?
It also doesn’t hurt if you guys tell me what type of content you want to see more of. Anything to keep my name on your lips! 😂😂 -
RE: Guy I'm just going to say it: I'm KINA JOY
Lol I’m not gonna pretend like I know you, but I can emphasize from stepping away from the Internet a little! I hope you surround yourself with good people who wanna see you healthy and happy!
RE: Can anyone be my friend ?
Lol I’m always in the market for friends. The way my old ones slip through my fingers, it’s a little concerning to my self-image
RE: why are moderate people on here so rude??
Hmmmm I’m a mod, but most mods I know are pretty nice. I don’t know what to tell you; maybe you catch them at bad times?
Memorial Day Fun!!
So what’d you guys do for Memorial Day?? I had barbecued wings with my family, played a few games, found out my aunt’s baby daddy is wanted for murder. It’s been very memorable!
Hiatus and Getting My Roots
Hey guys! I’ve been hiatus because of a searing migraine I’ve had for the past two days, probably brought about by all this turmoil lol.
This hurts my soul, these riots and seeing people react in violence. It’s convincing me to get deeper in touch with my Black roots, listening to Dr. King, Malcolm X, and modern black hip hop. I guess I wanna figure out what it means to be black in 2020.