Hoping it will get better for you really soon. Take care of your health! Would be better if you have at least someone who you personally know and trust to speak with and be your support system... you dont have to be alone. If youre not yet ready, were here :)
Best posts made by khaleex
RE: I'm 22 and pregnant. Im lonely all i do is work. :(
RE: no dirty talk. just need a friend to talk
hello Lotus :) see youve only made your account. Had enough of guys (ill assume youre a girl) looking for nudes or 'dirty talks' on the Random Chat?
RE: Would you rather: Pry off ur thumbnail with a fork OR Put a toothpick under ur big toenail and kick a wall !
oh wait its under the toeNAIL. now im even more confused.
Happy birthdaaaaay @cutie-cat !!!!! Not to sound creepy but i got curious just now about your names meaning so i had to google it haha and its pretty damn accurate. Youre the very first friend that I had here and thank you for never really leaving the site. Have fun still during the road trip!!!!
RE: I am hurt
Hey Corra (oh god, i hope youre name is Corra!). if you need someone to speak with about anything and I mean anything at all, just let me know :) Everyone feels hurt from time to time, some more than others but sometimes we just need distractions or maybe meet new people to help us ease or remove the pain.
RE: Would You Rather: Marry A Complete Stranger Or Be Forced To Have Se x With One?
i think theres a reality show called 'Marriage at First Sight' where the guy and the girl literally gets to see each other the first time at the day of their wedding. Theyd live together and then decide after some time if theyll continue the marriage or get a divorce
RE: am i the only one??
kind of? raises hand im not always online but i had extra free time these past weeks and used those times to check if there are interesting topics here which is not always the case... public chat is not for me, feel like people there already knows everyone who goes there and i dont know most of the time what theyre talking about, random chat makes me think everyone in that space is only after nudes and dirty talks 😂
speedwalking to my classes then and now to work is the closest thing i have for a sport.... fighting against time can be tough and makes you lose a lot of breath
RE: Don't you guys think is weird that we all feel lonely?
everyone feels lonely. thats normal. some more than others. some keeps it to themselves. some goes to sites like this to look for someone, anyone, anything to not feel lonely or 'bored'.
RE: Never use your favourite song as Alarm.
spoken from experience? haha choose a song which will not only wake you up but also your neighbors
RE: what would you do if you were rejected by your biological father
id feel hurt, definitely. would probably question my worth, if why maybe i wasnt good enough for him to be part of his life. feel the pain, be angry, mourn for the 'father' id never had and say 'if he doesnt want me, then fck him. ill be so much better without him' and continue as much as possible in doing what i do before i found out who he is. you live without him for 30 years, i believe and hoping that you, with the people that you currently have right now, is or will be strong enough to live another 30 years without him.
RE: Chapter I need you to rate.
its not that long however it did feel longer than it actually was. didnt really like how the characters were introduced. instead of her telling us who and how they are, show it? not now, maybe in the later chapters? instead of also using numbers to tell how tall or light or different she is, use more words and again show us. understand what the flashback is for but i also didnt like how the transition from present to past was.. didnt really work for me. its lacking the fire which first chapters or prologues need to engage its readers. id say start from the flashback and remove the first part.
these arejust suggestions. youre still 12 and youve made this years ago! good for you 🙌 go read more books write read write.
RE: What MBTI personality are you?!
interesting. took the test here https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test says im a 'defender'. whats yours? does it really describe who you think you are?
RE: opinion
hmm id say do whatever you want, whatever makes you feel good. decent people here wont care how you look or what your profile pic is. i personally care about your thoughts and opionion on the topics posted :)
RE: What is the story behind 2 kids 1 sandbox ?
2 girls in 1 cup immediately came into mind. is this worse?
googled it btw but i cant find the actual video. my researching skills is failing.
RE: Do you think abortion should be legal or illegal? and WHY?
@sir-devil whether the mother choose to give her kid up for adoption or she decides to keep him because she cannot abandon him (which is more id prefer) how would you know that what theyll have is only a lifetime of regret?
definitely life is not going to be easy for them it will be harder especially growing up and theyll be constantly judged and frowned upon. the kid will hate how he was conceived, he will hate himself. he might hate her for her decision. and she will too at some time. or for a very long time. life is not perfect, theyd have deal with it. but itll get better. theyll just have to find their worth again and not let that mistake rule their lives for a lifetime.
i might be being idealistic but just to be clear im not gonna force a woman to keep a baby if they didnt want to, i would understand if theyd decide to not keep the child because of a rape -- people cope and try to survive life in different ways and deciding to keep or abort a child is a brave and hard decision (and very controversial -- thats why we have this post has over 80 comments) but still i will not legalize it -- not because of the rape issue but because of reckless people who would find abortion as a way to skip responsibility