for women, id say around mid to late 20s. think between these ages where youre most physically capable, mentally ready and ideally financiancially stable enough to start your own family. for men, heard you guys mature later than women? 28 to mid 30s maybe
Best posts made by khaleex
RE: Which is the best age to get married?
RE: If travelling was free, where would u go?
im fine with travelling around the world, ocassional travel through time (if that counts) isnt too bad as well
that the people that ive left behind will be okay without me, that id get to say goodbye to them at least and that theyd never forget me even when im gone :)
i used twitter for that. but theres also this site called blahtherapy where you be a 'venter' or a 'listener'. maybe you can try that as well.
RE: Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside?
if id find a suitcase with 5m dollars in it, id probably be too guilty to keep it to myself or even a use a dollar from it. maybe id even look for a way to return it to its owner. goodie goodie 😅 so wheres true love?
RE: Would you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice?
before you get into a marriage you should have gotten to know really well who youre marrying. sure there were reasons why the divorces happened. it may be him or her but i dont think that should really matter, those are past relationships and with other people. its ok to be cautious and learn from those previous marriages but if youre afraid divorce may also happen with the two of you or that theres something wrong with him/her, dont marry or just dont be with them then.
RE: 90% fail to answer this question.
@katie_15 we follow PEMDAS :)
(solve whats in the parenthesis, then exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract) -
RE: Does technology simplify life or make it more complicated?
it supposed to simply it, make it easier. those who dont know how to use it properly would think otherwise
RE: OMG !!!!!!!!!!! 1K REPUTATION !!!!!!!! LET'S CELEBRATE
Way the go Priyanka! Congratulations!!!When should i expect another message like this from you? 2k rep???
RE: Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.
i would go out of the classroom to look for my mother and cry when i found out she went home
my classmate wondering why the back of her bag was always dirty. i was seating behind her.
walking in line with our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us -
RE: How long was your longest conversation you had on Random Chat?
Long time ago. It was like for 2 hrs, maybe more. Disconnection.
I rarely use random chats now, even then, but im guilty of leaving the chats abruptly, especially when im greeted with "m". Im not sure if guys do that so you know theyre looking for "f" or maybe to get rid of horny ppl right away.
RE: looking for you
no im not and i only know very very few korean words from watching a couple of korean dramas and listening to just one korean artist 😂
@Ragnar-Lothbrok or if youre in a very strict and disciplined city, you could be thrown into jail for littering. still can be life changing.
What are your pet peeves?
What annoys you the most? I can think of a few for me
- the slow walkers. especially when theyre in front of you and youre in a hurry. also hate walking behind couples or group of friends as they also take their time walking and its harder for me to move past them
- then theres the people who dont know how to close a door. like, hey theres a door, try closing it sometimes? close it properly?
Whats yours?
RE: A song by salena gomez
completely forgotten the first scene on this video. been long since ive last seen it
RE: Almost half of 2017 is Over And.......
-many have tried but food is food, hard to resist
-hm surely you did, were they useful though?
-man, been putting many efforts saving but its still not happening
-on the outside or inside? -
RE: Introverts talk problems
@iexist9090 there still a might. you still have a chance! if you dont get it maybe its not just really for you. what do you mean youre "too introverted" though? what was the job you were applying for?
dont know. dont really care. all i know is they broke up a lot and the last one happened a long time ago.