@specificbooch3 already done it. A lot of times. In different cities, different families. I forget their names now. Killed some by drowning. Some were burnt alive. Most were trapped in a small, boxed room without any doors or food until they peed on themselves and starve to death. Mostly because they didnt want to try to make a baby when i wanted them to. I regret nothing.
Best posts made by khaleex
RE: Help. You open the door and there is your ex.
Last statement makes me think you dont have anymore feelings for him... or do you? id say talk to him and listen to whatever he wants to say and you say whatever you want to say to him... and then see where it goes
RE: How to get Rich WORKS 100% NOT CLICKBAIT
But how do i get him? Question is still hasnt been answered
RE: Does my female friend (who has a bf) want to f*ck my male friend?
@bushmurry or him @dedol? your friends with both of them (dont know how long with the girl) but i dont understand why the need to have a poll asking if she already did it with him or asking random strangers to see her based on what youve written above and gauge how hrny she is for him. why not just ask her or them whats really going on and let them know what you think about their relationship?
RE: Why do people find it okay to cheat?
coz they think they can just get away with it, especially when the cheating or name calling is done online.
RE: why facebook should be banned
its not facebook that is the problem. its those ppl using it and the rest of the internet inappropriately
RE: FILL IN THE BLANK "All i want for Christmas is____".
@bushmurry same. need this right now
used to read a lot of young adult books. some which were turned into series of movies. fangirled over the movies' casts... there were also the years where i was obsessed with ian somerhalder because of vampire diaries haha
RE: What’s the most annoying thing that MEN do?
the "manspread" and when they forget that pants should be pulled all the way past their asses. we dont enjoy seeing your underwear, thank you.
RE: Bored here😶
@lila how many books are the in series now? only read the first book!
RE: “Do not fall in love with people like me...”
ohhh last statement was really good
RE: Which is the greater tragedy:
innocent person who got imprisoned id say bc most probably if he didnt do what he was accused of doing, he didnt also choose to be locked up for who knows how long. your taking his right to live freely and on his own. compared to someone who chose to live by his decision. its his fault why he might feel guilty.
RE: Flaws
agreeing as well with @Boud especially if you know that someone who committed the mistake. give them a chance to maake things right. however if youre talking about seeing, say, someone killing another person, thats def different. will not keep my mouth shout and do nothing but will not also shout it to the world bc i might not be able to see it the next day 😂
RE: If you could be someone else
dont really want to be someone else just to feel/experience what they have that i like for myself as well. dont know whats going on with or in them 24/7. i could be setting myself up for more complication. id rather still be me but the better version me who is has less mistakes and more confidence on herself.
RE: your fav tv show
i dont really watch any shows now well none at all actually but i was obsessed with vampire diaries and ian somerhalder haha
Guy from Israel
20 year old, IT guy from Israel with that diarrhea faced emoji that I was speaking with just few minutes ago, what happened to you? You were Someone and I was also Someone (so creative, yes). You disconnected. If that was intentional and you see this, ignore me.
RE: It's my birthday 🎉
this was posted "16hrs ago" and theres probably a huge time difference between us but hey, happy birthday!
RE: There is a bog (pit of mud) down the road, and anything I throw in gets pulled down... Should I step in? If not,why?
when you mean step in, you dont really mean having your body - not just a foot - submerged into that pit of mud, yeah? coz thats yes stupid... anyway this was posted 11hrs ago, what happened? any great discoveries?