@Scottish Turtashark is always where you don't want him to be and I don't think they are lactose intolerant I know i am so it depends on if they think the cheese is worth the pain because I know I do lmao..

Posts made by Desian
RE: Who do you think would win the battle?
RE: Who do you think would win the battle?
@Matt_Aranha Well penguinsaurus would be roughly the size of polar bird just to make it an even match. But that depends because penguinsaurus would be taller unless polar bird stood on his back leg's than he would be taller. And it seems as though penguinsaurus has mechanical body parts as well.
RE: To everyone on here, ........especially the seniors...
@spaceboy As of now the only thing's they really have for PTSD is to do therapy and also I tried TMS which is transcranial magnetic stimulation but right now they only have the one approved to treat some symptoms of it not all it's also used to help OCD. So as caesar said some people don't get nearly as traumatized to the point it's crippling and some people actually do which it's not something you can just get over. It's not something you can just brush off. Also some people who have been attacked by dog's in their childhood never want to have a dog because of that reason. As I said PTSD affects everyone differently. If a parent loses their child by death that isn't something someone just gets over and brushes off as an experience. It sticks with you forever.
RE: To everyone on here, ........especially the seniors...
@spaceboy There is more to it than just the experience sure it can make someone stronger mentally and emotionally some people also go the physical route as well but there are symptoms to it that doesn't just go away when you want them to.
RE: To everyone on here, ........especially the seniors...
@spaceboy Well PTSD is actually a psychological condition that is caused by severe trauma that is why it is considered post traumatic stress disorder. An experience is one thing trauma is another if it's severe enough to cause distress and flashbacks.
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@DIVine Yeah I am not meaning normal normal I mean people who don't need to constantly have a conversation about sex. And I already know all about serial killers because I like to study criminology. And anyways if anyone has an issue with me asking for a dignified conversation than they don't need to take the time to reply to this post. Simple as that.
RE: To everyone on here, ........especially the seniors...
I am not a senior but I've been dealing with PTSD for 10 years now everyone handles it differently for me I actually stopped going out and socializing for about 4 years I still talked to friends online but not all the time I just wanted to be alone and also turned all my sadness into anger and hatred towards humanity. But also that time I spent alone gave me time to build myself up my confidence and to teach myself not to let people walk all over me and not be so nice and trusting to everyone I meet. I honestly still have a huge hatred for humanity but I do know that not every human being is a horrible piece of shit either it's just very hard to find the good one's but they do exist. I still keep my guard up though very high when I am introduced to someone new. They have to prove to me that I can trust them until I actually start to. I won't trust until they prove they can be trusted basically. I still have nightmares and anxiety sometimes panic attacks and paranoia at times I don't usually get many flashbacks unless something similar to past situations occur and my mind works mega fast to get out of the situation before it's too late.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Lol so far seroquel is the only antipsychotic that I have not had all the fucked up rare side effects of. I use to hate seroquel though because it made me feel like a zombie for 2 days after taken it but this time it doesn't seem to be doing that which is nice. So I guess it's the one antipsychotic I'll have to stick with. Doesn't get rid of the voices in my head but has helped a lot with everything else stopped my rushing thoughts so that I can actually sleep decently finally. It's been nice.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy I would adopt but it's extremely expensive. And yeah some women with PMS it gets bad. I just felt irritated at everything had random stomach cramps I usually can't eat much before my period and during it everything just makes me feel nauseous the look of it and smell makes me gag. But I started back up on seroquel for sleep issues but also for my schizoaffective which it's helped a lot but also helps make the PMS easier to deal with lol..
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Well some women actually don't have PMS I actually never had PMS but lucky me the last few months I started to have it. But I have never been knocked up once without birth control pills or anything like that and just using simple condoms. Maybe I get lucky or something I don't know. Lol I don't want kids I have a snake she is my child that's all I need. I have a mental illness so I don't want to pass it on to a child if I was to have one because it's more than likely they would end up having it as well in the future. Though all my friends say I'd be a good mom XD..
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Yeah I can't seem to take any type of birth control because the pills give me a migraine from the estrogen and before that I was on the depo provera shot got 3 shots of it ended up having my period for 4 months straight had to keep going to the doctor every week because of anemia they told me to come in to make sure I wasn't losing too much blood so then they put me on the pills to stop the period. And it takes a year for depo to get out of your system so that is why I had to suffer a year on the pills it was either a migraine or a forever period until it was out of my system.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy I went to the hospital a lot that year and they told me I can't keep coming in just for a migraine and I told them you don't understand I literally feel like I am flying out of a car going about 90 mph on a highway slamming my skull head first into the ground and I could barely open my eyes. They had medication that kind of helped it for maybe a couple hours.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Well there was a time that I also use to google my symptoms lol but as soon as it tried telling me I had cancer or some sort of rare disease I was like yeah...I really don't think I have that issue. Oh and also I had an issue where I was on birth control pills for a year and that entire year I had a migraine every single day I literally thought I had a tumor but eventually I thought about the timeline and I told my doctor I think the birth control is causing the migraine because it started when I started them. So I got off of those and the migraine went away though I still have migraines but it's not caused from a medication this time or going on forever. That year sucked a lot.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Years ago I was on a medication called dilantin for my seizures and I told my doctor that the medication was doing more damage than good because it was causing me to have more seizures instead of stopping them and also a few other issues it caused I'd rather not say but he didn't believe me fully but he did give me a chance to prove I was correct so he weened me off it and put me on another medication called keppra now since getting off of it it's been 6 years without a single seizure. Last year had some stomach problems they couldn't find anything and I told them I am pretty sure I developed lactose intolerance which I came out to be right about that. Then in the last 2 months I went to the hospital because I was going to the bathroom a lot and told them I think I have a kidney stone and so they did an x-ray and saw that I was right about that as well lol...Also was right about a few antipsychotics my psychiatrist put me on that were causing me more issues once she took me off them I was fine and she was surprised and now apparently tells everyone she knows that her patient is the one that figured out what was the cause of my issues XD...she said she's proud to have me as a patient.
RE: When you just have a simple headache
@Brazilian-guy Yup I have actually self diagnosed myself with a couple thing's over the last 9 years not by webMD though I just like to research a lot of stuff and did want to be a doctor when I was a teenager. So I did learn about a lot of medical stuff through reading medical books and for the most part I just got lucky (if we want to call it lucky) that I came out to be right about certain thing's nothing too serious though. So that is good at least.