
Posts made by Desian
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@cant-breathe Well I never said I was completely normal either I am far from normal when it comes to a lot of shit. I am just not a sex addict and my whole life doesn't revolve around it.
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@cant-breathe Yeah I mean for me because there is so many guys blowing up my messages trying to get nudes and sex it's just making my days harder because I feel pressured and it stresses me out then I start getting flashbacks of past incidents that I had no control over which then in turn bring's me back to a depressed state of mind and either I'll break down crying from it or I will get very angry from it. Plus I have a boyfriend and I am not a cheater it took me 2 years of our relationship before I actually fully trusted him and we are on year 3 now. I also have this issue called dyspareunia which is painful intercourse and it is a mental issue but also a physical one as well because it is caused from the PTSD so for me sex really isn't an enjoyable thing so it's not something I like talking about.
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@cant-breathe lol I just got more people blocked on here than I follow XD..
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@cant-breathe Well that is what I have been doing is just ignoring them. But I just wanted to make this post to find out if there were actually people on here that are into just having a casual conversation that has nothing at all to do with sex and doesn't turn sexual. Since the one's I am ignoring they seem fine at first to talk to but then they ask what I am into like sex positions and I am like no I don't want to talk about that especially to some dude I don't even know and someone I will never hook up with. I like keeping my sex life personal. I get that others may be more opened to talking about theirs and I am alright with them doing that with other people who are also ok with it but it's not something for me. I am not saying everyone should stop talking about sex all together forever either I just personally don't want to hear about it or talk about it. Like I am not trying to be a bitch about it, it just makes me highly uncomfortable to talk about it.
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@Scottish Lmao well if you want to hear a song that is ridiculous yet funny then you should look up german sparkle party on youtube if you haven't heard it. :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_cold_sweat: :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@cant-breathe Normal as in people that can have a conversation that isn't about sex. There are literally thousands of other topics to talk about that doesn't have to end up being about what the other person looks like naked or what sex position they are into. And most people on this site might think "well that is boring" but it doesn't have to be boring like with the friends I have right now who I've known for years we joke around with each other about random dumb stuff just to make each other laugh and it's never sexual so it really isn't all boring.
RE: Any normal people on this site?
@sarah_the_magpie Well I guess I'll keep weeding out all the pervs until the normies come through lol..