Insomnia is highly prevalent and affects approximately 30% of the general population.
Sleep hygiene is defined as a set of behavioral and environmental recommendations intended to promote healthy sleep, and was originally developed for use in the treatment of mild to moderate insomnia.
Here are some tips for healthy sleep:
Avoid caffeine, alcohol, energy drinks and heavy foods close to bedtime (4-6 hours before bedtime). Harmful effects of caffeine on sleep may be worse on caffeine-sensitive individuals.
Acute and chronic nicotine administration/smoking disrupts sleep.
Of course regular and/or acute bouts of exercise produce improvements in sleep. So go out for a walk, do some yoga, or just dance! :)
Manage stress (this is so hard to do tho), psychosocial stress is associated with difficulties on falling asleep and makes us wake up several times at night. Various stress management strategies have been shown to improve sleep, such as breathing exercises and yoga. Even talking to a friend might makes us feel better. :)
Prepare your bedroom to sleep! Make sure to use your bed just to sleep and avoid eating, studying, or using your phone/laptop/tablet on it. Sleep in a room with low lighting, low ambient noise and comfy temperature.
Just go to bed when you are sleepy and avoid remaining in bed too long after waking up.
Avoid daytime naps You can have them from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Create your sleeping routine! You can train your brain when it´s time to sleep. Choose a specific time to go to bed, choose an activity to do always before bed time, for example: taking a shower, drinking tea, massaging your neck and shoulders, reading some pages of a book.
AND AGAIN it´s counterproductive to use screens (phones, tablets, laptops, TV) to "waste" time while you fall asleep. Screens light activate a part of your brain called pituitary gland and makes it believe it´s still daytime! If you really feel you can´t do that use a blue light filter.
This post was created for Vanie!
Hope this helps sweetie! Have a really nice sleep!
Irish LA, Kline CE, Gunn HE, Buysse DJ, Hall MH. The Role of Sleep Hygiene in Promoting Public Health: A Review of Empirical Evidence. Sleep Medicine Reviews [Internet] 2015 [Cited 2019 Oct 14]. 22, 23–36. Available at: