Go easy on me it's my first topic lol
This can be a complicated issue, so to any doctors out there know that I am not disrespecting you or complaining about big pharma (shit system though isn't it)
Anyway, I had a rough year of health last year, I've always had bad anxiety which often focuses on my health and I was in and out of the doctors every week with one thing or another, worst being an immuno comprising disease that landed me in hospital. I was given lots of meds for lots of different things including antidepressants which just made me wanna kill myself tbh.
Point is this year I feel 100 times more human because I stopped going to the docs, I changed my diet, started taking probiotics and a herbal mix from my local herbalist, as well as using CBD flowers for my anxiety.
Not saying modern medicine doesn't have it uses but I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has any success stories about the ancient healing power of plants!