• Freedom Writers

    This post is deleted!

  • He's a complete ass. The video is down though, so I think giving him any further attention would be playing into his hand, which of course would be a bad idea.

  • dint talk to me like that young boy for i am Taku Nelson and i am the god of anime (which is also real btw) 0w0 nuzzel el from attack on titrain is my life loved that part when Logan jumped out and saved thos kids xlolmaisd ps im a great role playing hook me up ladies and boy xxx owo love from your anime buddy/god The_darkNelson0_1514940298734_Devil.jpg

  • He who snipes snipers, runs the risk of becoming a sniper himself. If you gaze into the scope, the scope gazes back0_1514940430198_Hungee.jpg

  • dude is daint and needs to GAMER0_1514941250862_Hitler.jpg

  • Personally, I don't know what to say.. I got mixed thoughts.
    But damn, Logan definitely seemed to have some clouded judgement. Sure, maybe you can talk about it, Logan, but damn.. it's pretty messed up to show some sort of 'live reaction' as if this is a TV show.

    I don't know much about the Pauls, and I don't care about 'em. To me, they've kinda' been taking over YT in a manner that has been quite annoying throughout the past year. However, I thought Logan was the more 'mature' of the two brothers.. at least it seemed that way. To some extent, I suppose I was wrong about that.

    Perhaps it was just the shock that struck him/ the heat of the moment that clouded his better judgement when it comes to releasing such footage to all his viewers? Other than that, this was a pretty disgusting way to kick off 2018... especially if his true intentions were of seeking attention.

  • 0_1514941770114_youngmanksi.jpg 0_1514941773473_cereal.jpg

  • 1_1514941866513_cereal.jpg 0_1514941866512_youngmanksi.jpg

  • Gamers

    dint talk to me like that young boy for i am Taku Nelson and i am the god of anime (which is also real btw) 0w0 nuzzel el from attack on titrain is my life loved that part when Logan jumped out and saved thos kids xlolmaisd ps im a great role playing hook me up ladies and boy xxx owo love from your anime buddy/god The_darkNelson
