• My name is Miguel Bruzual, I am 22 years old, igenieria study in systems in the UGMA (Gran Mariscal University of Ayacucho) in the State Anzoategui-Venezuela, I have been a victim of a Scam, wanting to buy me a phone over the internet (MercadoLibre) I lost all my savings of the year (34,800,000 Bsf to be exact), I feel horrible, I am currently shame of my family and friends, have lost such amount, now I regret having wanted to buy me such an expensive phone .... I come with all the pain in the world, and being sincere, to ask for a helping hand, of only $ 150, money with which I think, change them to bolivares and take part to buy a cheap phone, and make Christmas dinner at home with my family, which is small, but I love them .... I currently have a paypal account [ https://www.paypal.me/DonationsVe] where you can support my cause, or directly by gofundme, God will thank you very much, I hope you can make Christmas happy to me and my fa milia, and m allow me to recover from this vile scam that I was a victim of .... thank you very much
