How should you handle abusive chatters?

  • Banned

    @Bab if anyone wants a prime example of purples simp let me introduce Bab 😹. You have an excuse for each one of her behaviours. If you're truly a good simp you should tell her she's being a hypocrite. She also comes in as stranger/someone to troll/bully me, but have you ever cared to address this? Or is she also protecting herself by being a bully 😔

  • Banned

    @Bab ohhh the consequences of her own actions 😫 she shouldn't have sent them to strangers on Instagram 😕, that's entirely her fault. After doing so and getting her pics spammed by strangers she shouldn't have blamed Itachi, James's and me. We had nothing to do with it. Also thanks for admitting she spams, owner of TWS should look into this. Purple is a very disruptive user who spams herself and encourages Martin - the main spammer who gets lounge closed to spam. Because of her actions she's making all the innocent users suffer, think twice before sending your pics Purple.

  • Banned

    @Bab it's just a lie that was funny for me to expose. And it's just a measure of how much she lies and how she's lying here right now 😂. She has no shame, she's a pathological liar and you're just her enabler.

  • Banned

    @Daisy-Margnet "If this post offends you, it is not my concern, as it is directed towards the abusive users on TWS" - Exactly purple she herself fallen in the trap by texting on her and also she wasn't even mentioned in ur post lol

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall it doesn't surprises me how you act like a victim everytime lol and i didn't stick any of pictures to my wall lmao it makes me laugh when see urself in high position when I am around with ur bullshit and you had my picture and blackmailing me to show everyone on tws and you used send my pictures to few of ur friend users in tws , isn't this called creepiness prevailing? And you even showed my to random user in tws. Also you should know your no better than anyone Lmao

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall damn everyone in the gc know ur bully and you spam people pics there and also when first purple pic was leaked what did you do? You showed it every tws user "by saying hey purple were leaked you wanna see"?

  • Banned

    @Bab if anything this post has exposed you two 😗. I see you're trying to build a new image for yourselves? Let's see how well that works out with your past.

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall if she shouldn't send pics to strangers? Why did you send ur pics to people in gc?

  • Banned

    @Bab but why did you save and print out my pic Bab 😄, and send my pfp to purple who then spammed it. Look at yourself in the mirror before judging me.

  • Banned

    @Bab whatever I did in the past - I'm not whining here about abusive users and spamming global/lounge because of my actions like Purple is doing. I've accepted that I did a silly thing by trusting a creep like you and I've moved forward :).

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall oh now you got nothing but throwing false allegations? And also you urself "a girl and guy can be a friend" but look at everyone who take side of a girl you them simp and what an understated person ur

  • Banned

    @Bab Take a look at you...what you're doing for purple is simping/supporting her blindly. Have some critical thought.

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall that's y my line trusting a creep like and she wasn't whining lol you can look at the post again and it isn't ur concerns bc she didn't mention ur name in the post

  • Banned

    @Bab I know she didn't mention my name :). It just irks me how a creep like you and an abusive spammer can come here and act all innocent. It was my duty to share my and others experiences knowing you both 🙂

  • Banned

    Ik what I'm doing.....I'm not a simping for she is good friend of mine.and she done nothing to take all this bs and also people make mistakes and taking advantage of it and abusing the user isnt right

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall you and me know how much of a liar your 🙂

  • Banned

    @Bab she shouldn't abuse others if she doesn't want to be abused. Bab have you ever thought about this? And yes, you are a simp. Knowing you for so many years you'll chase any girl 😄😂

  • Banned

    @Ihateuall do want her to take all the abuses like? And why don't ask that urself ihateuall, you too take abuses like every other then why do you start abusing back?

  • Banned

    If this continues more we will make urself look dirty to public user so delete all or nvm.

  • Banned

    @Bab you're indirectly saying Purple abuses by saying " do want her to take all the abuses" thanks for that. And I'm not here making posts about abusers because I know it's not my place, purple should also understand it's not her place since she's been the abuser in many cases.
