• What's the deal with this cultural appropriation thing? -_- I don't get it, these sorts of issues only exist in first world countries because they have nothing else to worry about.

    What do you mean it's cultural appropriation if someone that doesn't belong to a certain ethnicity wears/does something of that culture? Given that they have no ill intent. For example if a white guy wears a mexican hat or someone does their hair in a particular way e.g. the way black people do their hair but the person isn't black... Or if someone gets a tattoo that symbolises something that's part of another culture... Or if a non-Arab wears a keffiyeh (a type of scarf).
    And everyone will start attacking them for 'cultural appropriation'.

    Since when did this even become an issue? Isn't that how the world works? Getting Inspired by different cultures and bits of all cultures get integrated into one another? Isn't it just showing appreciation and inclusion? Celebrating different cultures?

    People are genuinely trying to divide the world these days and will make problems out of the most ordinary, innocent things.

  • i know so much about this. its mainly because of the fact, for example, black perople suffered for years and white people capitalized off of it, and its specific to their culture. like how black people have braids, they used to do their hair like that and would hide rice in it when they were escaping from slavery. it has cultural meaning. also its a “protective” hairsyle to let their hair grow out and white people dont have the same texture as black people. so its just weird for white people to have braids. its just another circumstance of white people gaining from something a minority was shunned for for years. and its in first world countries since were so advanced, it always comes with extra problems, that should be obvious

  • I don't know... we all just need to cut each other way more slack.

    Many people accusing others of cultural appropriation end up going out after their rant to some fancy new restaurant to eat some over-priced version of what once was peasant food from another culture.

    We're all humans. We all suck to some extent.