@janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly

  • well,me and my good friend @Janet here had a debate about how a man who refuses to have a baby should just suck it up and pay an enormous amount of money,effort,time to bring up the child because the law said so.

    then,i argued that laws arent infallible and arent always in line to our morality.i also argued that law SHOULD be subjected to scrutiny and to be criticized instead of being followed blindly like a sheep.

    you refuses to continue under the excuse that the discussion is off topic to the thread.

    so,ive made a new thread so that we can have discussion about this without any limit/constraint.

    what do you think,@Janet?
    do you wanna have a go at it?

  • Don't go around impregnating women then, use condoms.:)

  • This post is deleted!

  • @DaNii

    huh?what does that have anything to do with the topic?
    are you a fan from my previous topic?
    its good to meet a fan!
    you want my autograph,buddy?

  • wear ever you go their your ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ฃ

  • @Lake-Bodom

    this is only the first step.
    my popularity is undeniable.
    how else can i get -6 vote in mere 30 minutes?
    has @Janet mobilized her goons/friends?

    come,@Janet.let us fight!
    our battle is going to be mentioned in stories and poem for generations.

    this battle is going to be epic!

  • @ssll-sg

    1. I never said to follow laws blindly nor be a sheep. I said your opinion was irrelevant to me because it is a law that men take care of their children.

    2. I didn't argue about your examples because, tbh, I don't give a shit about you or your arguments.


  • @ssll-sg You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided and determined to use even go need to do look more as anyone can be ! Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? ugh... My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense which i personally use as far as it's not even the way you might even get as this long upon you wished to shot the ducks because you're afraid of toasters smh bro

  • @ssll-sg is this post based on a movie? looks like just a product of your imagination ssll

  • @Janet

    im glad youre here.
    have a seat.make yourself comfortable.

    'I never said to follow laws blindly nor be a sheep. I said your opinion was irrelevant to me because it is a law that men take care of their children.'

    i mean,you need to realize the incongruity here,right?

    1)ive never said that you need to follow the law blindly

    and at the same time,you said

    2)the law said that men need to take care of their baby,so,just follow it.

    when you said this,doesnt that mean that you wanted to follow the law regardless whether the law is perceived by others to be draconian and immoral?

  • @FluffyCookie

    search the topic
    'need help,am pregnant and i broke up with the father'

    the whole correspondences are there to be viewed.
    its epic!

  • This is a protest letter to Janet :(
    Now i am jelly coz i cant write one uwu

  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:


    im glad youre here.
    have a seat.make yourself comfortable.

    'I never said to follow laws blindly nor be a sheep. I said your opinion was irrelevant to me because it is a law that men take care of their children.'

    i mean,you need to realize the incongruity here,right?

    1)ive never said that you need to follow the law blindly

    and at the same time,you said

    2)the law said that men need to take care of their baby,so,just follow it.

    when you said this,doesnt that mean that you wanted to follow the law regardless whether the law is perceived by others to be draconian and immoral?

    Can you make up more stuff please. I need more of a laugh.

    I never said this. This is a generalization. I said to follow the law that if you make a child you pay for it (or give up for adoption ofc)

  • @Janet

    so,janet,my friend.have you forgotten that you wrote this?

    ''In fact, the court looks at what is best for the child, and considers a child's best interest to be served when both parents provide financial support.
    laws are laws so your opinion is irrelevant''


    how else should someone interpret it as anything but


    why cant you just admit it,buddy?

  • @ssll-sg said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:


    Child protection laws not LAWS IN GENERAL. Stop trying to put words into my mouth.

    Sorry if your brain is so fucking huge that you cant stay on one simple topic and you have to think of every law that's out there.

  • @Janet said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    Child protection laws not LAWS IN GENERAL

    now,youre saying that child protection laws are not law?
    what are you trying to say here,@Janet ?

  • Banned

    @ssll-sg were you an example of your argument?

  • okay I've seen posts getting shit but holy shit tho...

    (Contributes his token of appreciation)

  • @YourMomToo said in @janet thinks that its a good idea to be a sheep and follow the laws blindly:

    were you an example of your argument?

    i dont get what youre trying to say here.
    my argument is not to follow the laws,any laws like a sheep without using common sense.

    what does that has anything to do with me?

  • @Its-the-Sleepy

    there are 10 @Janet goons that has downvoted me in 60 minutes.

    im blushing with all these attentions,you know?

