I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby

  • Global Veteran

    Oh my!🤣🤣🤣

  • @Janet said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:

    If the mother does not want to have an abortion but does not want that child and the father does... that man can sue for child support as well.

    holy crap!
    ITS NOT ABOUT GENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if this is the case,where the mother wanted to abort but the father wants to have the child,then,its the RIGHT of the mother to terminate the pregnancy.its in accordance to the women's freedom of choice and its also in accordance to liberty and freedom in general!

    if that is the case,i wholeheartedly SUPPORT THE MOTHER!
    i will criticize and disagree with the father wanting to pursue legal route to force the mother bear a child that she doesnt want.

    do you get it?

  • @Janet said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:

    Its called not feeding trolls which its obvious you are

    nah.you just dont have any ground to retort or rebuke my simple LOGIC!

    thats all.
    so,tell me,BOY!
    do you think all law are infallible and should be followed and shouldnt be criticized or being under scrutiny of the people?

  • @The-Mods

    yeah.i think im going to refrain from talking to you.
    judging from the nonsensical ramblings that you wrote as well as incomprehensible sentence structure,i think it will take a long time for me to explain to you why YOURE WRONG!

    its an exercise of futility,and i dont think i have the patience to do it.


  • This post is deleted!

    @ssll-sg Nonono, it means:

    • swinging a knife around when there are people around you can result in you stabbing them and them dying, so it's ill adviced...
    • driving with your eyes closed can result in you ramming someone, so that is kinda ill adviced as well...
    • eating a big load of unhealthy food everyday can result in you becoming fat and ill and can amount to very high hospital bills and you becoming imobile etc... so guess what, that's ill adviced too....

    Having unprotected sex can result in all kind of things, so if you're not ready for kids or don't want a disease..
    that's ill adviced..

    Your point?


    @Undecided Sounds like a tough situation to be in! I hope you figure it out!!

  • @Eucalyptus

    try to read the correspondence between me and @Janet.i
    believe ive already explained it in details what i meant when i gave that examples.if you still dont understand,then,ask me again.

    you know what?
    im too lazy to wait.so,heres a simplified explanation

    @Janet made a claim saying

    ''Because having sex has the chance of having a baby. If you aren't capable of taking responsibility of the possible outcome of a child then fucking don't have sex.''

    so,she explicitly making a statement that you shouldnt have had sex because the bad outcome would be having an unwanted pregnancy.

    so,her first principle is

    'dont do anything because of the possible bad outcome that can arise from that'

    so,my arguments are that theres plenty of mundane activity that we do in our daily life that can lead to bad outcome as well.so,should we stop doing that?


    @ssll-sg I just pointed out the flaws in your logic..
    If you still don't understand. Just read it again a few times, slowly

  • @Eucalyptus said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:

    If you still don't understand. Just read it again a few times, slowly

    the same goes to you,buddy.
    read my previous comment.read it reaaaaaaal slow.k?



    Owning a knife doesn't result in stabbing someone, swinging it around does.

    Owning a car doesn't result in you ramming someone, driving irresponsibly does (ofcourse there are incidents where someone else is at fault, but that counts in the situation of getting pregnant as well, like sex being forced on you or a broken condom)

    Eating food doesn't result in you getting fat, eating unhealthy food and not moving your butt does....

    So, no, you didn't have a point at all..

    Having semen and oocytes doesn't result in getting an unwanted pregnancy.. Having (unprotected) sex does..

    Now read all of that very slowly and carefully, since your brain seems to have a hard time processing information :)


    @ssll-sg I read it all, I don't see you making any valid points to back up your argument...

  • @Eucalyptus said in I need help..am pregnant and we broke up with the father of the baby:

    Having semen and oocytes doesn't result in getting an unwanted pregnancy.. Having (unprotected) sex does..

    first of all,its OVUM.oocytes is immature ovum that is incapable of fertilization.
    arent you ashamed to be this ignorant,boy?

    secondly,if you cant even comprehend the logic and common sense ive presented and simplified it for your sake,then,i guess,youre as bad in english comprehension as you are ignorant in human biology.

    my advice?
    educate yourself,boy!

    its funny to see ignoramus pretending to be smart.


    @ssll-sg So, you're saying that I don't have oocytes?

  • @Eucalyptus

    if you have oocytes and sperm,then,you wont have fertilization and you wont have fertilized egg,blastocyst,fetus,etc2.

    dont you even know this,boy?

  • @Eucalyptus

    have you finished googling the difference between oocytes and ovum?

    are you going to admit that you have no idea what youre talking about?

    are you going to thank me for educating you?
    its the least you could do,right,mboy??



    I'll help you a bit with your English ;)

    -owning a knife has the chance of you using it to stab others.when you own a knife, there is a possibility of you stabbing others so, DON'T BUY A KNIFE!!!!
    -having a car means that you have there is a chance to you might hit another human with it ,so DON'T OWN A CAR!!!!!!!!
    -eating food has a chance to make you fat When you eat foot, there is a chance you will get fat and sick ,so DON'T EAT FOOD!!!!!!!!!
    your logic does not compute, BOY!
    tTry again. tThis time, try to use your brain for once
    -the mother decided to continue on the pregnancy on her own
    -the father disagreed with the pregnancy and wanted to terminate it
    are you saying that the mother is not responsible for her actions to choose to continue the pregnancy and gave birth to a child??????????
    SHE wanted to continue the pregnancy, then SHE is the one responsible in raising to raise the kid.
    you claimed that everyone shouldn't do anything that has the possible possibility to reach result in a bad outcome, didn't you?
    don't use a knife because you might stab others?
    the severity of the bad outcome of someone stabbing others with a knife is equal or more than unwanted pregnancy, no?
    i KNEW youre were going to say this.


    @ssll-sg No, because you totally missed my point. I said it correctly :blush:

  • @Eucalyptus

    thanks for the corrections,boy!

    now,why dont you thank me for educating your ignorant ass about how human body works?

    you can do that,right,boy?




    Sorry, I was busy educating you....

    hHave you finished googling the difference between oocytes and ovum?

    aAre you going to admit that you have no idea what you're talking about?

    aAre you going to thank me for educating you?
    it's the least you could do, right mboy??
