• Sup!
    I'm taking a little break off my essay. Just wondering, how is your saturday so far? What's on your mind?

    Me and my ex hung out yesterday after I helped at some filming thingy happening at my school. I was just a background character, haha. My ex introduced me to his new dog and let me pet his(ex', not the dogs) hair. Obviously, masks stayed on. I liked it, it was so soft. He doesn't have a f*cking hairbrush though, but he had no tangles in his hair until I messed it all up. My hair is surprisingly the shortest it has ever been and I still get tangles :I I'm jelly. Very.
    I miss the forest. After living there for months because of miss rona I kind of got used to it. The city just doesn't do it for me anymore, so I'm kind of living in a melancholic limbo rn.

    Anyway, enough rambling. How is this saturday for you?

  • its freakin hot!

  • @Barton Wish I could relate dude, it snowed today.