What will you do if the president does not leave office if he loses the election?

  • What will your course of action be as a citizen if the president chooses not to transfer power even if he loses the election? Will you be willing to fight or protest for democracy? Will you support a military coup or will you fight against it? Does the democratic process matter to you or does Trump winning the election matter more?
    No judgement by the way I'm just curious. Because we are in a very distinctive and unusual time at the moment so I'm wondering about how human beings feel about this and what courses of action you as a citizen might take. If you feel there is a lack of anonymity on this site then please do not respond I don't want to get anyone into any trouble. I'm just super curious about how Americans feel about this as I'm not an American.

    Also what is the feeling like on the ground level? I know the media show an opposition to Trump but what is the general consensus in your area and among people you hang out with? Does there seem to be more or less support for him?

    No judgement, it's all love. Thank you for any comments.

  • @Darla-Alphalfa What will you do if the president does not leave office if he loses the election?? I wouldn't do nothing just obesrve and let go !!

    What will your course of action be as a citizen if the president chooses not to transfer power even if he loses the election? Will you be willing to fight or protest for democracy, demo crazy?? is a given choices to choose with rules and regulations..
    U just a talk about one country in whole globe .. if you see over all, what's happeningall over the world ruling party is Right wing parties currently, so have a idea which as semilarity for example Aryan idealogy... power tripper to rule , to be alpha , Majority always win because big in number also numbers are universal truth it's a fact ..so all minority is ____??

  • Trump has to leave if he loses, especially if it ends up being not even a close election. He's going to lose anyways, and the U.S. Military won't support any coup.

    I'm not personally a big fan of protesting, but more power to you if you are.
