• LurkersForLife

    Thats joyful enough?

  • @Rissa_TheBest just beautiful. I love it....:heart:

  • @Rissa_TheBest baby, you made that by yourself? Wow šŸ˜šŸ˜‰ā¤ļø

  • LurkersForLife

    Now back to the sad depressing stories, Lol

  • LurkersForLife

    she met him when they were 8 years old. they soon became best friends. they talked nearly everyday.

    when they were 9 years old they started school together. everyone in the school knew they were friends.

    when they were 10 years old people started to tease and called them love birds. they didn't like it.

    when they were 11 years old the girl started to get feelings for him, but she ignored them and thought it was silly.

    when they were 12 years old the girl told the boy she liked him, but before he could respond she said it was a stupid prank.

    when they were 13 years old the boy started to get feelings for another girl in his grade, and she had feelings for him too. she was his first girlfriend, but the boy broke up with her shortly after.

    when they were 14 years old the girl got her first boyfriend, with a different boy from her grade, but it dint't feel right, so it didn't last long either.

    when they were 15 years old the girl heard about the prom next year, and decided she was going to ask the boy to dance with her.

    when they were 16 years old the girl lost courage to ask the boy to the prom. at the night of the dance she went to ask him but decided not to because she saw him dancing with another girl. later that night he saw them kiss in the back by the bleachers. she ran home and cried. the next day the boy asked what was wrong and she ignored him. he walked away feeling rejected by his best friend. they didn't talk for a while after that.

    when they were 17 years old the girl apologized for ignoring him. she said she wanted to still be friends, and the boy agreed and they again became friends. the same year the boy was diagnosed with severe depression. the girl tried to cheer him up everyday and everyday she failed.

    when they were 18 years old on the boys birthday the girl and the boy had a moment and she leaned in to kiss him, but instead the boy gave her a hug. she told him she was moving away next month, he said hes wanted to move with her because he couldn't imagine being without her. after all, she was his best friend. the girl agreed and within a month they moved into a small apartment far away and started college together.

    when they were 19 the boy again got another girlfriend, and she stayed the night at their apartment, and his girlfriend slept in his room with him. the girl stayed up all night crying and didn't sleep. only a few weeks later the boy broke up with her.

    when they were 20 years old they went to a party together. they illegally drank that night and they both got drunk. very drunk. the girl told the boy everything and how she loved him so much, and the boy told her the same. they kissed for a long time. they were both so desperate for each other. when they got back to the apartment they slept together in the same room. when they woke up neither of them remembered anything and agreed that it was stupid to drink and to forget that they slept in the same bed.

    when they were 21 years old the girl was diagnosed with cancer. her death date was in 6th months. she dropped out of school and the guy and the girl moved back to their home town to be with their family. everyone was crying. one month before the girls death date she told the boy she loved him. although the boy had feelings for her as well, he was afraid to fall in love because he knew it was already going to hurt so bad when she passed and he didn't want to make it worse. two weeks before she was supposed to die the boy told her he loved her too and was sorry he didn't say it earlier, and he just didn't want to lose her. she told him she understood. they kissed and hugged and fell deeper in love. the next day the boy went to visit her in the hospital, but he couldn't find her. he asked the doctor and she told him that she had died last night. without a word he ran away in tears and hung himself from a bridge wishing he would have been their for her. he wanted to die so he could see her in the after life, but his afterlife never came. the boy and the girl never saw each other again.

  • LurkersForLife

    ...now I see how sad this really is... that is just damn sad.. in tears again

  • @Jessie3 uhhh what is that?

  • LurkersForLife

    She just said a free dating site

  • LurkersForLife

    @Jessie3 Uhhh no thanksšŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

  • LurkersForLife

    It's been a while since I've experienced this. This happened in 2007, when I was Ten. My brother Chris was 18 at the time, and had lung cancer. He was growing weaker and weaker, he was coughing so much, and breathing was becoming hard for him. Very hard.

    On December 23rd 2007, 2 days before Christmas, I visited him in the Hospital. He was in the hospital because doctors expected him to pass very soon, and they didn't want him at home to die. Me and him acted very friendly towards each other. He acted like he had no cancer, and he was at home again. He laughed, he coughed, but suddenly he began to cry. He looked me right in the eye, and told me these words, the words that still haunt and make me cry to this day:

    "Rachel, I need you to know some things. No matter what happens to me, even if I die, I am begging you not to mourn. I want you to continue on with life, and comfort mom and dad, and everybody else. Whatever is in my room, just tell mom and dad to sell everything, and say I said so. And, with all the money that is earned, use it to buy yourself some extra presents. They can make my bedroom into anything they want, as long as you agree. You're their only child now, they will likely listen. Even if I die today, or tomorrow, just keep me in you're heart and mind. I will always be with you, no matter what. It's my time to go,and you're time to live. Be safe of my heart. Even if it stops beating...it will always beat in the sky." And then he carefully hugged me, as tight as he could. I couldn't understand why he said goodbye to me right then, but now I do. I thought he was saying goodbye because he might not get the chance later, but that was only half the reason. On December 25th, 4:08 pm, mom got a call from the hospital...and the person said Chris had died. I cried for hours and hours,but i finally got the control to tell them his commands, and they obeyed.

    We made 88 dollars from all his stuff. I didn't use the money, and to this day I still have the 88 dollars in my wallet. I cried for many days,for many hours,but then I remembered he told me not to mourn, so I suddenly felt like I needed to stop. I did stop, and I did comfort everybody else who was mourning. The reason he said goodbye to me on the 23rd was because the doctors told him he had 2 days left to live, and they were right. And, the hospital wouldn't allow him any visitors on Christmas Eve. With five Christmases now passed without him, and a sixth Christmas creeping closer and closer, I felt it was time to share this story. Goodbye,Chris. I will always love you ;(

  • LurkersForLife

    There was once a girl who went though alot her family was not getting along she was depressed she just needed someone there for her she loved to help people she always selfharmed she had so many cuts on her body she tryed to kill her and her friend stopped her.

    One day she meet this guy she feel in love with him they were both to shy to tell each other one day she texted him and said "I love you" and I wanna be with you and he feels the same way so he asked her out and and she said "of course" they were both happy...

    After a few weeks...

    They got in a fight he told her he hated her and never wanted to be with her so they broke up.

    she said to herself "whatever I'm done with life"

    she had a gun she almost pulled the trigger her ex sow up at her house and stopped her he said "what are you doing" she said "I'm killing myself you hurt me you broke my hurt"

    he looked at her with tears in his eyes and he said "I love you I was just mad please don't do this" he took the gun from her she was crying he looked at her and said "I love you I will never hurt you will you go out with me again please" he pulled her close to her and hugged her.

    She said "I will"...

    They were together for a year one day he fond her cuts he said "babe please don't cut I love you way to much" one day they were going out for a date they got into a car the car they got hit big truck acaraccident.

    she was hurt but not that bad and he was hurt really bad he he said to her "I love you if I die and you don't just know I love you and I will always love you your my everything babe please just know that"

    she said "I love you to baby, I will always love you" they she said to him "I just wanna be with you and I will do anything just for that.

    The boy died.

    After she got out of the hospital the girl went home up to her room and pulled out a gun she pulled the trigger...

    she had a note on her tablet her mom walked in and it said "I love you guys but i just wanna be with him I can't stand life without him"

  • @Rissa_TheBest Ohhhhhh

  • LurkersForLife

    Well, it was the time of Christmas holidays, and I was in 4th standard.
    It was just a normal morning for me. And for the rest as well. But I guess, not for someone.. As it was first day for her at new school.. New city..
    I still remember the moment, when I saw her for the very first time. Sweet innocent face with mixed feeling of excitement and a little fear, pink cheeks, soft red lips, dark hairs.. I was kinda hypnotized. She was the most beautiful gal I ever saw.. I was so fallen in love with her, at the moment.
    Luckily, we had same taxi that'd escort us to the school. I was so glad to have her there with me. God had completed my universe.. Had granted me MY ANGEL.
    Soon, we became friends. We'd spend lot of time together.. playing, building sand castles, studying..
    Days passed. My love for her grew more and more. But couldn't dare to let her know what I really felt! I was just so afraid to lose her, that I didn't want to take any risk.
    One day, we were coming back from school. That was the day I had decided to let her know about my feelings.. That how badly it would hurt me, when she wouldn't be around!
    That time, my heart was beating fast. Head was numb, with strange heaviness. My life was in her hands. I'd really die, if she just thought of me, as a friend.
    When I told her that I Love Her more than she ever thought, her cheeks had gone more pink.. Nose, a little red..
    OMG.. She was blushing! I never saw her that beautiful! She didnt say a word. Just came near to me with smile, kissed my cheeks and ran home.
    I was just frozen at the moment! Felt like it was just a dream. Yeah, it was.. Beautiful like heaven.
    That day, we couldn't spend time together, but she was running inside my head all the time.. As she always did. But I was damn happy to have her for real now.
    Next day, I went to her. But, BINGO! Her home was locked. I dint see her at school also.
    Later, I came to know that her dad was transferred. And she had to leave so suddenly.
    I was kinda paralyzed. My love was somewhere lost inside the world. And I was so young, that I couldn't go to look for it.
    All I did that time, was just that I cried. Silent moans with tears in my eyes, conveyed a lot to me. I just came to know how it felt when we miss our beloved.
    I found it so hard to overcome my loss. What I thought about us, and what had happened. But, I just had to let go.
    And life went on. I lived each day, with a hope, that someday I might see her again.
    Three years had passed. I had my image formed in school.. The Guy With Gifted Brilliance..
    SIGH It wasn't a single second though, that I let myself out of her love. All the places, held the same scent I always felt she had.. All that time, my memories hurt me the same way they did, when she left me.
    During the course, I dreamed of her death. She died in an accident, in that dream. I was so worried since the incident. Something did go wrong since then. I lived in little frustration from the time.
    One day, I suddenly saw her aunt in the city. After a formal chat with her, I came to know that she was settled in the city few days ago. When I was about to leave, she asked me to come with her to her house. I first hesitated, but when she told me it was about my beloved sweet-heart, I went with her.
    I thought MY ANGEL was there to meet me. How happy I was! After whole three years, I was gonna see her. I had so much in my mind.. Wanted to talk to her.
    I entered the house. And there she was! Holding the same heavenly smile, she always did.. But lying as JUST a portrait now. While I was looking at her picture, her aunt told me that she died two years ago. My heart skipped beating. She was describing how she died.. Suddenly something clicked in my mind. Strange! It was the same way I saw in my dreams.
    I don't know what happened that time, but darkness surrounded my head and when I woke up, I found myself at bed, with high fever. I tried to convince my poor heart, that what I heard was just a dream.. And she still lives. But nothing's worked since then. I still can't stop my weak heart from bleeding.
    They say time heals everything. But it's been 6 years since I came to know about her death. And nothing's changed at all. Except that I keep myself bleeding. My friends call me as EMO now. But I don't care. I just don't want to forget her.
    I know, that I'm walking towards darkness. But it's impossible to live without her. I'm just waiting for death to get me.
    May be I was a child for rest of the world, when all this happened, may be still I am, cause I'm just 17. But I wish to bring happiness in others' lives, until I take my last breathe.
    I know she's watching from me above. That's why, I want to spend these few left heartbeats of mine, in bringing smiles on people's face, to bring back the goodness in their hearts.. To spread love..
    cause I have no will to leave. May be I breathe, but my life died years ago.

  • LurkersForLife

    First: My girlfriend dead in front of me when we were on vacation in New York, we were Crossing the Road Together there was a Car going to hit us

    I donā€™t know what to do I Just froze, Waiting for Death

    but in Less than 1 Second I found that my Girlfriend take me from my hand and throw me 2 meters from the Car all of this Just happens in Less than Seconds

    and I Saw here hit by the Car, and the Blood was everywhere.

    I Wish Time is Back again, So I take here Placeā€¦but Iā€™ll Join You Soon my baby.

  • LurkersForLife

    First Story: The death of my boyfriend, Changed my life 180 degrees, we had a good day together, but one day he gets up in the morning and sends me a message.

    It was his Last Message.

    My bae, Iā€™m going to swim in the sea, he didnā€™t know that he was going to death himself.

    I waked up, then I tried to call him on his phone, no answer, 1-3 hours trying to call him with no Respond.

    there is something is wrong, I was pretty sure.

    When I went to the Sea, People were very sad, I asked them what happen?
    they told me that someone is drowned.

    It was my Boyfriend who dead, I Wish I was with Youā€¦My Life is Completely Stopped after you.

    I hope I see You Soon.

  • LurkersForLife

    Damn I always make myself sad with these....

  • Music Lovers

    @Rissa_TheBest Yup, and sometime others also sad with you... Not every sad story end with Dead... try some different... we can't lose hope so early... Ik life is so hard sometimes, or it will coming more difficulties in future, but a true fighter fight till end....
    Bcz ... "Those who try, never give up"...

  • @JamesBond007 I'll do my part to my story with @Rissa_TheBest don't end like these ones, so she can write a happier story here, what you think? Hehe

  • @DennisJM Yup Man, ik she will. I don't have any problem with sad stories, but those who give up early,,, I don't like it. Life is a fight and fight like a warrior... just don't give up...
