@blueriotxx2339 I need too!!
13 year old boy looking for a friend to vent ..
13 year old boy looking for a friend to vent ...
Hello dude, u can vent to me
@Audax ok :)
@ghost08971 so whats on ur mind
@Audax well.. I was kinda fall in love for a girl and I thinked she was also like me for me....
We are best friends, and then I talked to her about my feelings for her, then she say for me that she likes another person, then I sayed to her that's ok, then i'l support her, but she says she isn't ok... and I don't know what to do, she says there's nothing that I can do to help her.... I don't know what to say -
@ghost08971 well if you like her you should tell her how shes feeling and ask her abt her problems
@Audax I try to do that but she don't tell me anything... I am worried about her
maybe she isn't ok with opening up to you.
@ghost08971 tell her you are worried abt her and care abt her and will do anything to make her feel better
@Audax I will try to, :3 thanks a lot for your help. You are a great person :D
@ghost08971 ok no problem good day sir :)
SHOW her that you CARE, not tell. Lots of girls are told this and that but they value a lot more when you show them their worth by your actions towards her.
In her case, play along as if you lost interest. Don't declare your love for her, she will only lose interest, the fun is in the chase.
I've read a whole book on this type of stuff, not saying I know everything but I know something.
Hang around with other girls but always give her your best attention. Be were she goes whether coincedence or not. Fill her minds with thoughts of you by having a lot in common. Don't push yourself into her. Make your interections as if almost by mistake. Flatter her constantly how beautiful she is and compare her to past figures like Marylin monroe etc.
Tell her how talented she is at a particular something by going in detail how she is good at that particular object. Make the other dood she is into look like dirt next to you. Do this indirectly so you dont make it obvious that you are angling for her.
When with other girls make sure they are laughing and having a great time around you
and finaly dont be afraid to have body contact with her, a gentle push, a hug, a brush against each others shoulders accidenally. you get the picture.
Need more advice?
how old r u guys anyway? like 13?