• Bruh guys I'm bored in quarantine Just ask me anything but not how I spend time:expressionless_face: And Make some friends here I'm New You Know

  • Could be worse I guess. In my country we are still pretty free so life hasn’t changed as much as it has for other countries. (Good or bad, time will tell)

    Tell me about yourself. Country? What do you normally do? School/work? Interest? The first thing you are gonna do when the quarantine is over?

  • @Sara-B IM bored we have 1.1k so we are not allowed to go to school or go outside I used to skating but now Oof just sit all the day in my bed lmao

  • Doesn’t sound good. Do you like reading, a good book passes time :)
    Otherwise watch TED talks on YouTube and learn new things.
    Or do what I do - Watch British comedians and their stand-up on Netflix and YouTube 😂🙈

  • @Sara-B My sister doing the same you do I love to read books but when I grabbed a book I think I'm wasting my time but my sister do she has a library in her room