@sonali_ind9798 I was told to be confident in doing things that I wanted and to make friends with people who'll help lift me up but was afraid to do so hence I'm regretting it now.
Have you ever faced stereotyping from your fellow beings? How does it feel?
Being a Muslim and an Indian at the same time, the number of stereotypes and prejudices I have faced could be compiled to form quite a volume!
As a white man, saying anything logical and true makes me a racist, that's pretty racist.
@Basit-Naqvi Really? I always thought Muslims were quite hard to stereotype. I mean, there's the beard thing, but to my mind, they all seem like very strong individuals. And is prejudice to Indians still a thing? I'd hope not. I'd hope we're a better society than that.
@Indrid-Cold Muslims are quite honestly, very frequently sterotyped in society, never mind how strong you deem them to be! The reality, Indrid, is that fragments of prejudice against brown skin, especially that from a developing nation, such as that of ours, still exist...I do agree with you, however that we are much better off as cosmopolitans instead of preferential beings.
@Basit-Naqvi That's true mate.
@jackwin9 Haha, not all people might take you to be unfaithful and lying, mate just because you happen to be a man of a particular race..Not me, at least!
i certainly have. it's not the best feeling in the world, to put it mildly