[new here][normal chat appreciated] What do you want to talk about?
@somerandomperson ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. .-- . ... - --- .--. ··--·· .. ·----· ...- . ..-. --- ..- -. -.. .- -... . - - . .-. - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - --- .-. ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ·-·-·- ---··· .--.
Did you edit that message, because it is looking different now :confused_face:
@HitlerJr No..... just double posted.. All of my previous comments are still there..... Can you edit comments here!?
Yes you can. If you look at the buttom right of your comment, there should be three small dots, like those you just posted in your code. You have the option to Edit or Delete your comment and some more stuff I have not tried out yet.
I got like 20% of your message translated and I am guessing you want to tell me that the first letter always gets deleted the chat. I disagree with that point but I haven't understood your full message so maybe I am just not reading it right :stuck_out_tongue:
@HitlerJr The first letter always got deleted because of the lame translator that I was using...... I don't know Morse code...... Do you!?.... I'm sorry if my Morse stuff translated awkwardly.... But.. did it?
I can't scroll up to that portion of the chat... but... it was mostly talking about.... "sorry about the missing letter..... this is funny.... should we talk about something else?"
I can understand Morse Code in text form.
When it comes to hearing a message, I just like to hear it slowly or have it recorded, so that I can hear it back to back.That sucks that the translation thing was a bit broken but that is that, hmm.
Sure we can talk about something else but you have to give a topic again.
morse code, much?
I would like to talk about everyday life what I feel and y I feel that way, what you feel and y
@HitlerJr Cn you talk about pokemon?
@Max256 I wish I new something about it
@Peace101 😅😅.
@Max256 but you can teach me something
@Peace101 If you want to learn about pokemon (as for beginners level)you should atleast watch all anime episodes of pokemon till aloha region.then you will understand for sure.