@Ash005 I think i listened it 3 years ago .
"Funny jokes"
"Joker" -
your topics are interesting.
I love comedy and jokes. Unfortunately it has become a genre almost as taboo as religion or politics.... Differences in ideologies too often cause conflict instead of insight. Just because we don't always agree doesn't mean that either one of us is "right" or "wrong".
ooh @justBcandid
Knock knock
Who's their? @llluminati
@Shine Tag
Tag who? @llluminati
haha thank you so much@llluminati
@Shine 😆
haha thank you so much @llluminati
Thanks @Sup
@Shine that's not to be construed as I don't know my fair share of good jokes (from childish to adult), I just know how easy it is to upset someone unintentionally. Wanna exchange? You first
why does santa have a big sack?
because he only comes once a year
@Shine What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one, with everything
@Shine Did you hear about the new restaurant named KARMA? There's no menu, you just get what you deserve
@Lazz said in "MAKE A JOKE,SO I CAN LAUGH":
@Shine What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one, with everything
@Shine How did the hipster burn his mouth? He drank his coffee before it was cool!