How to Start a Conversation With a Girl Online

  • Step 1: It’s the subject line that counts ,Remember you need to be different here.

    Make her want to open your message. Some subject lines do sound ridiculous but if it’s catchy enough, she will open it.

    Step 2: Forget the standard type messages,Guys often start off with “Hello! How are you?” type of thing. But you need to forget the same old
    same old.

    Rather, think about something that makes it more personal. Then at least she thinks you didn’t just copy and paste stuff and that you could really be interested in her.

    Step 3: How’s about a compliment? Girls like an honest guy, but now you are online and you don’t know her all that well.

    But you still want to make a good impression. Maybe it’s best to avoid the same-old “you’re beautiful” or “you’re cute” stuff she’s tired of

    Check out her profile really carefully – what is it that made you truly drawn to her, her eyes? Her friendly smile?

    Step 4: There’s information she gave you on her profile – use it, If you are really interested in a particular girl, look on her profile at her hobbies. You can tell her that it’s also her interests and hobbies that make you interested in her.

    Most guys ignore this vital aspect of online conversation and later blame the girl when they get rejected or rebuffed

    Step 5: If you want her to reply, give her the reason to, You have already made it clear to her that you like her smile and that from her hobbies and interests, you can see that she is interesting. If she has mentioned that she loves to travel, for instance, you need to expand on that.

    You can link it to yourself, otherwise, she might just think you are talking just to impress.


  • no effort then not worth it , How are you's a hundred times a day gets old VERY Old Luv, glad you agree with the profile. and true men are in some ways worth more than " girls" but if you wish to have a meaning convo with a " Woman" than respect goes both ways, just saying
    I never judge by first glance nor should anyone or lump your expectations simple on gender. Not to your liking than just simply move on it is a big world out there just find your own way and enjoy the tidbits others have to offer .....................or not