9/11 attacks were done by America itself. Here is the proof.

  • Watch the complete video:

  • Also Taliban's were created by Americans.

  • @emily said in 9/11 attacks were done by America itself. Here is the proof.:

    Also Taliban's were created by Americans.

    That is partly true but 9/11 was done by Osama Bin Laden not the U.S. government and for you to say that, it's just disgusting

  • @alwaysstranger okay whatever but america was involved in it too.

    Its impossible otherwise to attack on usa without help of inside force.

  • @emily instead of saying that America was involved, it is better to say that America was partially responsible. The 9/11 was only possible due to their weak air safety laws. For example, before 9/11 it was legal to carry bladed objects which are less than 15 cm. The terrorist used a pen knife to threaten the pilot and co-pilot to exit the cockpit. The only reason they were able to pull that off was that the pilot opened the door to the cockpit to them, civilians which were also illegal.

    They didn't shot down the plane due to two reasons.

    1. They didn't even imagine that they would kamikaze a plane into a building.
    2. The air traffic control didn't have sufficient equipment to keep track of the plane. The civilian air traffic control doesn't have an exact radar system. In order to reduce cost and for other reasons, they keep the of a plane by receiving and analyzing radio sent by the plane which contains data about their location and status. Hence, there is no need to build extensive radio antennas all over the country but it's also possible to switch off the radio signals and go off the grid. It was possible for the military to use actual radar to search it down but the terrorist didn't send them any message. Hence, they hesitated as they didn't had any solid evidence for the terror attack.

    The air safety laws after 9/11 are also not much good. The Air Marshal system they established is extremely ineffective. The security checking they do before they do before boarding and after landing are also bad since researchers have found that the security that they give is nothing but an illusion. In fact, there hasn't even been a single case of some alleged terrorist getting arrested during the checking. Since it is full of loopholes, they just use one of them every time. The government may fix that loophole but then again the terrorist won't use that either. They would just move on to the next loophole.

    I must accept that I am saying all of these by watching a documentary made my Nat Geo, that I watched long ago. Hence, it may have many holes and I am ready to be corrected.

  • @sir-devil said in 9/11 attacks were done by America itself. Here is the proof.:

    @emily instead of saying that America was involved, it is better to say that America was partial. The 9/11 was only possible due to their air safety laws. For example, before 9/11 it was legal to carry bladed objects which is less than 15 cm. The terrorist used a pen knife to threaten the pilot and co-pilot to exit the cockpit. It were able to pull off as they opened the door to the cockpit for a unknown civilian, which in itself must be illegal.

    They didn't shot down the plane due to two reasons.

    1. They didn't even imagined that they would kamikaze a plane into a building.
    2. The air traffic control didn't had sufficient equipment to keep track of the plane. The civilian air traffic control doesn't have a exact radar system. In order to reduce cost and for many other reasons, they keep the of a plane by receiving and analysing radio signals sent by the plane. Hence, it is possible to switch off the radio signals and go off the grid. It was possible for the military to use actual radar to search it down but the terrorist didn't send them any message. Hence, they hesitated as they didn't had any solid evidence.

    The air safety laws after 9/11 is also not much good. The air Marshal system they established is extremely ineffective. The checking they do before they go before aboarding are also bad, since many peoples have accepted that they are doing not but a illusion of safety.

    I must accept that I am saying all of these by watching a documentary made my Nat Geo, that I watched long ago. Hence, it may have many holes and I am ready to be corrected.

    She's saying that America did 9/11, she isn't suggesting that America didn't have enough safety precautions but thanks for the reply dudz

  • @alwaysstranger yeah. I am also saying that her statement is wrong. That wall of text are just a extra info, which I wanted to share and was also me, trying to explain why it was possible as a reply to her saying that attack on us is impossible without inside help.

  • @sir-devil ok. Pretty good reply dudz

  • @emily taliban means in student those who were studying in america and al kaida means the base it was a list of people were controled by them and now isis ----> so who create therorime

  • @alwaysstranger thank you.

  • Foolish conspiracy theory.

  • @sir-devil said in 9/11 attacks were done by America itself. Here is the proof.:

    @alwaysstranger thank you.

