You are so fck up bro. Control your dicky.
Things can go really South if He messes up
polygamy is illegal lol -
@sarah_the_magpie by what law?
idk, it's illegal where i live. maybe it's legal in some other countries, but i wouldn't know lol -
@sarah_the_magpie I see. Well this love is a little twisted, it's the wife who introduced the girl to her husband and now they are together. The wive of the dude is bisexual and she was already married when she found out she's attracted to girls also. So I think to keep a healthy relationship with her husband she did what we see happening today. According to them their relationship is balanced, but to me it's also x2 work for the man.
Because just like in maths equations, whatever he does left he has to do at the right for equality to always be there. And that it's really Lotta work. -
@sarah_the_magpie snow white had it right... one to cook, one to do floors, one to do dishes, one to make my teas, and one to clean my bathroom, one to do the laundry, and one to make the beds... 7 husbands and she still has to use the 🚿 😂
@cant-breathe 😂😂😂😂
@Kaneki-kun you know I'm right...
@cant-breathe Yes you're 😁😁😁
@Kaneki-kun cause at the end of the day sleepy is to fucking tired, happy is working on grumpy, dopey and sneezy are getting high, and doc is making bashful blush... And poor snow white gets the 🚿
@cant-breathe haha
Nooooo never
@Jane-French 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ok