• Last weekend, I was out with a female friend and went to a bar for a drink. I didn't have any plans to go for a night out but since she was so heartbroken, I felt the need to keep her company.

    So what happened is, she found out that her boyfriend for 3 years, was actually cheating on her with another girl. We talked about her relationship with her now ex-boyfriend. We talked about so many things - love, relationships, lust and sex in general over a few drinks.

    Then she said, "for you, does size matter? My ex-boyfriend doesn't have it big. But I still love the way we do our thing."

    As women, we also like to talk about sex just as much as men does but when we talk about sex, our conversation seems to center around one thing in particular - the SIZE plus of course the performance.

    Us, women, may become obsess about our bodies or physical apperances. Men does too. Men may also become obsess with their bodies. Yes, particularly with their manhood. Men might ask to themselves, is the size of my penis good? Is it good enough to satisfy my woman? Or perhaps men would think their penis might be too small or not too satisfying.

    Now here comes the question, "DOES SIZE MATTER"?

    So let me give my opinion to that as a woman.

    Yes, size matters, But not in the way men might think it does.

    But let's also consider that size is classified in different ways. Some women prefer thickness as opposed to length.

    Some men might think that having such a huge penis might be a charm for them. Others on the other hand, might think that their penis are just way too small that it couldn't give intense pleasure for their partners. Let me tell you this, there are many ways you men can give us pleasure whatever your size is. But of course that depends too on your level of performances.

    Alright, TBH, I wouldn't want a pinkie-sized penis for myself. And I wouldn't know if i could handle a huge one on the other hand. (And oh, I never really had it real "HUGE" so I wouldn't know.)

    But no matter what your size is, it may not be the biggest or the smallest, thick or lengthy, if you and your woman fit together very well then it's just right. Sometimes we also need to consider having an open communication between us and our partners about some things that needs attention particularly with our sexual lives and activities and on how can we be both satisfying to each other.

    KEER 💋

  • @Keer

    I guess the saying "It's not about the size but how you use it" applies the best here. If someone with the perfect shape doesn't know how to use it correcly, it's as good as a pinkie sized one :shrug:

  • @Keer To some degree yes it does, but nowhere near the amount that people harp on about it (and they forget about things like girth too, focusing only on length).

    Because seriously if all a guy has going for them whether in bed or otherwise is his size and shape then no relationship is going to last or satisfy and he really needs to take a good look at what he's doing.

  • Alle jukser med storelse selom mann har 15 cm dette er ikke nok for kvinne.

  • R u asking or telling

  • Sannheten hvis jeg skrive jeg har 3 inch kommer cirka 30 jenter med kommentar haha litten hva skal du med den. Hvis jeg skriver jeg har 9, 10 inch for jeg masse bilder av naken jenter vis meg den mm den er stor. Alt under 13. 14 er micropenis hehe

  • @Keer I'm sure at times us males think about our own bodies, penis size of course, but here's the other side of that coin: Men think or wonder about, or even, at times, have concerns regarding women's bodies, as well. We think about vaginas, and in fairly similar ways. Big, small, puffy, loose, tight, and so on. What I'm getting at, here, is it goes both ways. We think about our own, sure, but also about yours, and you likely do the same.

  • @Lurker Alright Lurker, I have to ask. What is that tiny emoji I've seen you use? I'm guessing it's an emote for shrugging? Can't exactly tell, it's so small (does emoji size matter?).

  • @Lazz

    If you mouse over it you can see the emoji but you guessed it right it's a : shrug :
    And nah emojis are always amazing in either sizes!

  • @Lurker If I move my mouse over it I just get the word, which is fine. What I can't quite see I can at least read.

  • @Keer Isn't it grammatically redundant to say "a man's manhood?"

  • @Lazz it's a euphemism. Alot of people try to be like that.

  • @cjyoung54 The word manhood would be a euphemism, for penis. But to say a man's manhood? That's redundant.

  • @Lazz best to clarify she means men. Lol

  • @cjyoung54 Agreed. One can never be too specific these days.

  • @cjyoung54 Manly men with manly manhoods of men! Damn straight.

  • @Lazz yeah thanks for that. Not a pro with grammar thoogh, so yeah.

  • @Keer it's fine, its extra clarification.

  • @cjyoung54 Yes, and I like the idea of corrections and clarifications for that matter. 😀😀

  • size is no matter, long lasting is a real matter !! hahah (: