Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @Muslim Islam is knobhead
    Satanism is kewl af

  • Islam is not a religion of terrorism. Extremists are the terrorists

  • Ur mum is the terrorist

  • @Muslim No way man, Islam is a religion just like any other. I'm a Christian, but I respect Muslims and I have nothing against Islam. We all have to get to know each other and respect each other, so that the world will be a more peaceful place!

  • @Muslim If we look at the history of peoples around the world, their personal motives disguised as religion have been responsible for the greatest conflicts, wars and genocide, as in the past Jews have done by wiping out pagan peoples, the Church of Rome with its Inquisition and radical Islamic organizations like the Taliban or the Daesh. It is not religious doctrines responsible for evils such as terrorism, but those who manipulate masses suffered by using them as instruments of their interests, whether they are would-be priests, gurus, prophets, or visionaries.

  • @Muslim I think it's a cool other not against any belief on this earth

  • RE: "Tell me what do you think about Islam"
    Clearly, Islam is much the same as Christianity. Most Muslims have never read the Quaaran. They know nothing of the actual history of the Quaaran. They call Islam a religion of peace and like Christianity, peace means everyone like me is good and anyone different than me is going to burn in hell. Both Islam and Christianity are "CLOSED RELIGIONS." This means you are either a member and saved from a horrible fate or you are not a member of the faith and damned.

    Islam, unlike Christianity is a Political System in addition to a Religion. This makes it particularly heinous. Sharia law along with public floggings, stoning, subjugation of women, blasphemy laws, mandatory dress codes, and state mandated participation all combine to create a system of mind control. Islam is pretty much the same as Christianity was during the Dark Ages in some parts of the world. In other parts of the world it has loosened it's grip, similar to the Christian faith, and become a wishy-washy version of itself that not even the Muslims actually follow.

    Islam, like Christianity, is not actually the problem. It is the insane zealots in both faiths that are the problem. It is the people in Islam engaged in the killing of homosexuals and the stoning and beating of women that are the problem. It is the Christian witch burners (YES THIS HAPPENS IN THE WORLD TODAY) and killers of children imagined to be possessed by demons that are the problem.

    To get a good person to do evil things, it takes religion.

  • Islam is not pacifism, not any of the religion is, least of all christianity or Judaism. If we start pointing fingers at verses, sayings and cherry picking we'll all be standing on our own opinion. These 3 religion have a lot in common, but beyond them numerous heinous acts have been done by persons purporting to follow them. I think without schorlarly guide, it is a trivial debate at a layman's take

  • @Muslim Islam is a beautiful religion because it celebrates heterosexuality and it honors beautiful love between a man and a woman <3

  • @sarah , I think you've misunderstood my take. Pacifism and peace loving are different things. Is Islam peace loving, yes that's why thd give 'salaam'. But have they gone to war and raise armies, yes when they were agressed. Pacifism is lack of response even in the eyes of clear agression...

  • no, i find it horrible that people do. it's their way of life. others should respects that

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  • This I can never understand.

  • For non-muslim, plz listen! We(muslim) will never start to war when there is no threat from you. Please read our belief about moderation in Surah Al-Kafeerun 1-7, the main points of that is
    we(muslim) do not try to disturb other religion y'll should know why Osama bin laden bombed WTC, it's cuased of U.S.A supporting to non-muslim part in muslim-non muslim conflicts.

    Also please look at indonesia, we(indonesian) have many religion but we can stay life peacefully , YOU KNOW! when christian had activity in the church(Katedral church at Jakarta city, indonesia) we are muslim served a field of our mosque (accross side of the church) to be parking lot of christian's cars

    You know i'm as great muslim also not totally agree to ISIS.

  • Are you retarded?

  • Islam is not terriorism some People just have a tendency for violence.

  • I am a Catholic and i love Islam. People who call it a religion of terrorism either haven't read Qur'an or take everything written in Qur'an literally.

  • there is no such thing as religion of terorrism, all relegions teaching mostly all about peace, loving life and so on. it is like the handbook of human beings here on earth, a guidance that tells you the does and donts of a true follower. terorrists could be anyone, christians, jews, muslims, atheist. those terorrist we often see on the media responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, claiming themselves as muslims are not actually muslims at all. there are 1.9 billion muslims in the world according to the worldpopulation, second largest religion in the world next to christianity and still growing. and muslims are scattered all over the globe. so, if Islam is a religion of terorrism then we're be dead by now.

  • @kerz-miat Could not Agree more

  • All enlightened spread the knowledge which is universal truth , all relegion exist in this earth thought universal love compassion and empathy, and peace ..
    There are two types of knowledge
    Experienced knowledge,
    Borrowed knowledge,
    For example reading autobiography book, I do understand what writer is writing it and I will gain information not knowledge what writer gained I only gain informative knowledge.
    Having a debate with information which is borrowed knowledge do not make sense..
    need to understand Islam not Muslims, Muslim are followers and it changed in favour of like and dislikes.. you need to gain experience in Islam then you can ask all these questions if you have any universal truth to say brother or else do not spoil your head without gaining experienced knowledge
