• Is this getting to be a more common thing, here? Maybe I just haven't noticed much of that, until recently. Sure, there are always the people who share pics that are not actually them, as becomes obvious with a simple reverse image search, but I see "catfish/catfishing/catfisher" in more and more posts and comments these days than I recall seeing even months ago. What's your take? Is this getting worse, now?

  • Banned

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  • @wilsonsavage Not exactly irony...but close

  • Aren't we all catfish, L, but looking for very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very specific targets?

  • i don't see what people are talking about...

  • Banned

    @D4C wHaT iS a cAtFiSh¿¿¿¿

  • @Indrid-Cold I begin to wonder if catfishing has different meanings, depending on location and such. Certain recent posts would suggest that the typical 16F Ask Me Anything types may not be who or what they claim. Just attention or affection seekers. But who can say, really?

  • @Indrid-Cold said in CATFISH?? Epidemic?:

    Aren't we all catfish, L, but looking for very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very specific targets?

    Though I think it would be fantastic to find someone here that I connect with I would have no desire to catfish anyone. Here, I'm just myself. I only offer friendship, a bit of humor, maybe some insight, and that's where that line is drawn. Additionaly, I don't feel I'd ever fall prey to being catfished, since I wouldn't accept affection and/or romance, online, if someone were to want to offer me theirs